| Sgraffito für Violine, Gitarre und Violoncello (2008) Verlag Dohr
Violine, Gitarre, Cello SKU: VD.ED23056 Composed by Franz Surges. Classical. Score, parts. Composed 2008. 14 S. Part. + 10 S. Stimmen pages. Verlag Dohr #ED23056. Published by Verlag Dohr (VD.ED23056). ISBN 9790202010563. 11.69 x 8.26 inches. $15.95 - See more - Buy online Pre-shipment lead time: 4 to 6 weeks | |

| Mendelssohn Song Album I (für Flöte und Klavier) Flute and Piano Verlag Dohr
Flute and piano SKU: VD.ED88502 Composed by Felix Bartholdy Mendelssohn. Arranged by Adrian Connell. Adrian's Song Album Series. Classical. Score, solo part. 13 S. Part. + 6 S. Stimme pages. Verlag Dohr #ED88502. Published by Verlag Dohr (VD.ED88502). ISBN 9790202095027…
$13.95 - See more - Buy online Pre-shipment lead time: 4 to 6 weeks | |

| Die sieben letzten Worte Jesu Christi am Kreuze für Soli und Männerchor a cappella Verlag Dohr
Männerchor, a cappella SKU: VD.ED27429 Composed by Johann Lutter. Johann LĂĽtter: Gesamtausgabe der vollendeten Werke. Classical. Score, choral score. With Text Language: German. 18 S. pages. Verlag Dohr #ED27429. Published by Verlag Dohr (VD.ED27429). ISBN 97902020142…
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| Sextett für Klarinette, Horn, Fagott, Violine, Viola und Violoncello [Score] Verlag Dohr
Klarinette, Horn, Fagott, Violine, Viola, Cello SKU: VD.ED20739 Composed by Johann Lutter. Johann LĂĽtter: Gesamtausgabe der vollendeten Werke. Classical. Score. 62 S. pages. Verlag Dohr #ED20739. Published by Verlag Dohr (VD.ED20739). ISBN 9790202007396. 12 x 9 inches.…
$53.95 - See more - Buy online Pre-shipment lead time: 4 to 6 weeks | |

| Salut d'amour für Violine und Streichorchester op. 12 String Orchestra Verlag Dohr
String orchestra SKU: VD.ED12557 Composed by Edward Elgar. Arranged by Wolfgang Birtel. Classical. Set of parts. Verlag Dohr #ED12557. Published by Verlag Dohr (VD.ED12557). ISBN 9790202025574. 12 x 9 inches. $33.95 - See more - Buy online Pre-shipment lead time: 4 to 6 weeks | |

| Sonata I für 1. Violine (Oboe), 2. Violine (Oboe) und Basso continuo Es-Dur (aus: Musicalische Divertissements, Teil IV) Verlag Dohr
1. Violine (1. Oboe), 2. Violine (2. Oboe), Basso continuo (Cello (Fagott), Cembalo) SKU: VD.ED13881 Aus: Musicalische Divertissements, Teil IV. Composed by Sebastian Bodinus. Edited by Martin Jira. Classical. Score, parts. 18 S. Part. + 23 S. Stimmen pages. Verlag … $19.95 - See more - Buy online Pre-shipment lead time: 4 to 6 weeks | |

| Hymnen zur Fronleichnamsprozession für vierstimmigen gemischten Chor und vier Bläser ad lib. Verlag Dohr
Trompeten (2), Tenor-Horn (Posaune), Posaune SKU: VD.ED13793 Composed by Johann Lutter. Johann LĂĽtter: Gesamtausgabe der vollendeten Werke. Classical. Set of parts. 7 x 5 S. pages. Verlag Dohr #ED13793. Published by Verlag Dohr (VD.ED13793). ISBN 9790202027936. 5.51 x …
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| ATEM für Sprecherin und Instrumentalensemble (2000) Verlag Dohr
Sprecher, Ensemble - Level 5 SKU: VD.ED26356 Composed by Bojidar Dimov. Classical. Playing score. With Text Language: German. Composed 2000. 34 S. pages. Verlag Dohr #ED26356. Published by Verlag Dohr (VD.ED26356). ISBN 9790202013564. 12 x 9 inches. $33.95 - See more - Buy online Pre-shipment lead time: 4 to 6 weeks | |

| Suite für drei Violinen (oder andere Melodieinstrumente) Verlag Dohr
Violinen (3) SKU: VD.ED26357 Oder andere Melodieinstrumente. Composed by Johann Lutter. Johann LĂĽtter: Gesamtausgabe der vollendeten Werke. Classical. Playing score. 8 S. pages. Verlag Dohr #ED26357. Published by Verlag Dohr (VD.ED26357). ISBN 9790202013571. 12 …
$9.95 - See more - Buy online Pre-shipment lead time: 4 to 6 weeks | |

| Missa brevis in D für 4stg. gemischten Chor a cappella Verlag Dohr
4-part mixed chorus a cappella SKU: VD.ED20710 Composed by Johann Lutter. Johann LĂĽtter: Gesamtausgabe der vollendeten Werke. Classical. Score, choral score. With Text Language: Latin. 14 S. pages. Verlag Dohr #ED20710. Published by Verlag Dohr (VD.ED20710). ISBN 97902…
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| O Königin voll Herrlichkeit (1981) -Liedkantate für Gemeinde, gemischten Chor und Orgel- Verlag Dohr
Gemeinde, 4-part mixed chorus, Orgel SKU: VD.ED11405 Liedkantate fur Gemeinde, gemischten Chor und Orgel. Composed by Hatto Stander. Ständer-Gesamtausgabe. Classical. Score, choral score. With Text Language: German. Composed 1981. 9 S. pages. Verlag Dohr #ED11405. … $10.95 - See more - Buy online Pre-shipment lead time: 4 to 6 weeks | |

| Jubilate Deo für dreistimmigen Frauenchor und Tasteninstrument (Orgel) D-Dur Verlag Dohr
Frauenchor, Tasteninstrument SKU: VD.ED13899 Composed by Johann Lutter. Johann LĂĽtter: Gesamtausgabe der vollendeten Werke. Classical. Score, choral score. With Text Language: Latin. 6 S. pages. Verlag Dohr #ED13899. Published by Verlag Dohr (VD.ED13899). ISBN 97902020…
$7.95 - See more - Buy online Pre-shipment lead time: 4 to 6 weeks | |

| Et resurrexit für Blechbläser und Orgel (2011) Verlag Dohr
Trompeten (4), Posaunen (3), Bass-Posaune, Tuba SKU: VD.ED13820 Composed by Reiner Gaar. Classical. Set of parts. Composed 2011. Duration 5:00. Verlag Dohr #ED13820. Published by Verlag Dohr (VD.ED13820). ISBN 9790202028209. 12 x 9 inches. $27.95 - See more - Buy online Pre-shipment lead time: 4 to 6 weeks | |

| 6 kleine Stücke für drei Violinen (oder zwei Violinen und Viola) Verlag Dohr
Violinen (3) (Violinen (2), Viola) SKU: VD.ED20738 Oder zwei Violinen und Viola. Composed by Johann Lutter. Johann LĂĽtter: Gesamtausgabe der vollendeten Werke. Classical. Playing score, solo part. 11 S. Part. + 4 S. Stimme pages. Verlag Dohr #ED20738. Published by … $11.95 - See more - Buy online Pre-shipment lead time: 4 to 6 weeks | |

| Sonata IV für 1. Violine (Oboe), 2. Violine (Oboe) und Basso continuo d-Moll (aus: Musicalische Divertissements, Teil IV) Verlag Dohr
1. Violine (1. Oboe), 2. Violine (2. Oboe), Basso continuo (Cello (Fagott), Cembalo) SKU: VD.ED13884 Aus: Musicalische Divertissements, Teil IV. Composed by Sebastian Bodinus. Edited by Martin Jira. Classical. Score, parts. 18 S. Part. + 23 S. Stimmen pages. Verlag … $19.95 - See more - Buy online Pre-shipment lead time: 4 to 6 weeks | |

| Missa brevis für 4stg. gemischten Chor a cappella E-Dur Verlag Dohr
4-part mixed chorus a cappella SKU: VD.ED13894 Composed by Johann Lutter. Johann LĂĽtter: Gesamtausgabe der vollendeten Werke. Classical. Score, choral score. With Text Language: Latin. 12 S. pages. Verlag Dohr #ED13894. Published by Verlag Dohr (VD.ED13894). ISBN 97902…
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| Lob, Ehr sei Gott im höchsten Thron für Bass, Violine und B.c. -Kantate zum Neujahrstag- [Score] Verlag Dohr
Bass solo, Violine, Basso continuo SKU: VD.ED12451 Kantate zum Neujahrstag. Composed by David Aster. Edited by Michael Heinemann. Mitteldeutsches Kantatenarchiv Vol. 1. Classical. Score. With Text Language: German. 22 S. pages. Verlag Dohr #ED12451. Published by Ver… $17.95 - See more - Buy online Pre-shipment lead time: 4 to 6 weeks | |

| Sehet auf und hebet Eure Häupter für Bass, zwei Violinen, Viola, vierstimmig gemischten Chor und B.c. -Kantate zum 2. Adventssonntag- Verlag Dohr
4-part mixed chorus (4-stimmig) SKU: VD.ED12462 Kantate zum 2. Adventssonntag. Composed by Johann Gottfried Lehmann. Edited by Michael Heinemann. Mitteldeutsches Kantatenarchiv Vol. 4. Classical. Choral score. With Text Language: German. 7 S. pages. Verlag Dohr #ED1… $2.95 - See more - Buy online Pre-shipment lead time: 4 to 6 weeks | |

| Schumann Song Album I (für Violine und Klavier) Violin and Piano SATB, Orchestra Verlag Dohr
Violin and piano SKU: VD.ED88548 Composed by Robert Schumann. Arranged by Adrian Connell. Adrian's Song Album Series. Classical. Score, solo part. 13 S. Part. + 6 S. Stimme pages. Verlag Dohr #ED88548. Published by Verlag Dohr (VD.ED88548). ISBN 9790202095485. 12 x 9 in…
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| Czárdás für Violine und Streichorchester String Orchestra Verlag Dohr
String orchestra SKU: VD.ED12582 Composed by Vittorio Monti. Arranged by Wolfgang Birtel. Classical. Set of parts. Verlag Dohr #ED12582. Published by Verlag Dohr (VD.ED12582). ISBN 9790202025826. 12 x 9 inches. $40.95 - See more - Buy online Pre-shipment lead time: 4 to 6 weeks | |