| Hebet eure Augen auff gen Himmel für Sopran, Tenor, zwei Violinen und B.c. d-Moll RWV.E 6 (aus Kernsprüche I, Leipzig 1648) [Score] Verlag Dohr
Sopran solo, Tenor solo, Violinen (2), Basso continuo SKU: VD.ED17793 Composed by Johann Rosenmuller. Edited by Michael Heinemann. Johann RosenmĂĽller - Gesamtausgabe seiner Werke. Classical. Score. 14 S. pages. Verlag Dohr #ED17793. Published by Verlag Dohr (VD.ED17793). … $10.95 - See more - Buy online Pre-shipment lead time: 4 to 6 weeks | |

| Luisa Miller (Teil I) (Einrichtung für Streichquartett) String Quartet: 2 violins, viola, cello [Score] Verlag Dohr
String quartet SKU: VD.ED12589 Composed by Giuseppe Verdi. Edited by Wolfgang Birtel. Arranged by Emanuele Muzio. Classical. Score. 46 S. pages. Verlag Dohr #ED12589. Published by Verlag Dohr (VD.ED12589). ISBN 9790202025895. 12 x 9 inches. $33.95 - See more - Buy online Pre-shipment lead time: 4 to 6 weeks | |

| In Gott glaub ich zu fünf Stimmen (SATTB) (aus dem "Geistlichen Gesangbüchlein") Choral SATB Verlag Dohr
Mixed choir SKU: VD.ED17738 Composed by Johann Walter. Edited by Christian Schmitt-Engelstadt. Classical. Score, choral score. 9 S. pages. Verlag Dohr #ED17738. Published by Verlag Dohr (VD.ED17738). ISBN 9790202037386. 11.69 x 8.26 inches. $9.95 - See more - Buy online Pre-shipment lead time: 4 to 6 weeks | |

| Laudate pueri (Psalm 112) für vierstimmig gemischten Chor a cappella (1983) Verlag Dohr
4-part mixed chorus (4-stimmig) SKU: VD.ED17633 Composed by Walter Gleissner. Classical. Score, choral score. 10 S. pages. Verlag Dohr #ED17633. Published by Verlag Dohr (VD.ED17633). ISBN 9790202036334. 11.69 x 8.26 inches. $9.95 - See more - Buy online Pre-shipment lead time: 4 to 6 weeks | |

| Variations sur l'Air de Malborough für Altsaxophon und Klavier op. 15/3 Alto Saxophone and Piano Verlag Dohr
Alto saxophone and piano SKU: VD.ED12644 Composed by Paul-Agricole Genin. Edited by Christoph Dohr. Classical. Score, solo part. 13 S. Part. + 6 S. Stimme pages. Verlag Dohr #ED12644. Published by Verlag Dohr (VD.ED12644). ISBN 9790202026441. 12 x 9 inches. $18.95 - See more - Buy online Pre-shipment lead time: 4 to 6 weeks | |

| Vocalise op. 34/14 (für Klarinette (B) und Klavier) Clarinet Verlag Dohr
Clarinet and piano SKU: VD.ED16443 Composed by Sergej Rachmaninoff. Arranged by Wolfgang Birtel. Classical. Score, solo part. 7 S. Part. + 3 S. Stimme pages. Verlag Dohr #ED16443. Published by Verlag Dohr (VD.ED16443). ISBN 9790202034439. 12 x 9 inches. $10.95 - See more - Buy online Pre-shipment lead time: 4 to 6 weeks | |

| cantus-firmus-Improvisation auf der Orgel -System - Methode - Modelle- Verlag Dohr
SKU: VD.978-3-86846-148-0 Composed by Gustav A. Krieg. Classical. Book. 346 S. pages. Verlag Dohr #978-3-86846-148-0. Published by Verlag Dohr (VD.978-3-86846-148-0). ISBN 9783868461480. 9.65 x 6.89 inches. $46.95 - See more - Buy online Pre-shipment lead time: 4 to 6 weeks | |

| Auf dich, Gott, hoffen wir für Sprecher und Orgel (2009) -Psalmen nach Texten von Hartmut Handt- Verlag Dohr
Sprecher und Orgel SKU: VD.ED17598 Composed by Lothar Graap. Classical. Playing score. 21 S. pages. Verlag Dohr #ED17598. Published by Verlag Dohr (VD.ED17598). ISBN 9790202035986. 12 x 9 inches. $14.95 - See more - Buy online Pre-shipment lead time: 4 to 6 weeks | |

| Aeterne Deus, clementissime Pater für Cantus (Sopran), zwei Violinen und B.c. e-Moll RWV.E 2 (aus Kernsprüche I, Leipzig 1648) [Score] Verlag Dohr
Sopran solo, Violinen (2), Basso continuo SKU: VD.ED17782 Composed by Johann Rosenmuller. Edited by Michael Heinemann. Johann RosenmĂĽller - Gesamtausgabe seiner Werke. Classical. Score. 13 S. pages. Verlag Dohr #ED17782. Published by Verlag Dohr (VD.ED17782). ISBN 9790…
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| Die Augen des Herren, sehen auff für Sopran, Alt, Tenor, Bass, zwei Violinen und B.c. C-Dur RWV.E 15 (aus Kernsprüche I, Leipzig 1648) [Score] Verlag Dohr
Sopran solo, Alt solo, Tenor solo, Bass solo, Violinen (2), Basso continuo SKU: VD.ED17818 Composed by Johann Rosenmuller. Edited by Michael Heinemann. Johann RosenmĂĽller - Gesamtausgabe seiner Werke. Classical. Score. 17 S. pages. Verlag Dohr #ED17818. Published by Verla… $11.95 - See more - Buy online Pre-shipment lead time: 4 to 6 weeks | |

| Das ist das ewige Leben für Cantus, Alt, Tenor und B.c. B-Dur RWV.E 3 (aus Kernsprüche I, Leipzig 1648) [Score] Verlag Dohr
Sopran solo, Alt solo, Tenor solo, Basso continuo SKU: VD.ED17784 Composed by Johann Rosenmuller. Edited by Michael Heinemann. Johann RosenmĂĽller - Gesamtausgabe seiner Werke. Classical. Score. 9 S. pages. Verlag Dohr #ED17784. Published by Verlag Dohr (VD.ED17784). IS…
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| Lieber Herre Gott, wecke uns auff für Sopran, zwei Violen und Violon (oder drei Posaunen) und B.c. F-Dur RWV.E 9 (aus Kernsprüche I, Leipzig 1648) Verlag Dohr
Violen (2) und Violone (oder Posaunen (3)), Basso continuo SKU: VD.ED17803 Composed by Johann Rosenmuller. Edited by Michael Heinemann. Johann RosenmĂĽller - Gesamtausgabe seiner Werke. Classical. Set of parts. Verlag Dohr #ED17803. Published by Verlag Dohr (VD.ED17803). <… $22.95 - See more - Buy online Pre-shipment lead time: 4 to 6 weeks | |

| Liedvariationen für Orgel manualiter Organ [Score] Verlag Dohr
Organ SKU: VD.ED17591 Composed by Lothar Graap. Classical. Score. 17 S. pages. Verlag Dohr #ED17591. Published by Verlag Dohr (VD.ED17591). ISBN 9790202035917. 12 x 9 inches. $13.95 - See more - Buy online Pre-shipment lead time: 4 to 6 weeks | |

| In te Domine speravi, non confundar für zwei Soprane, zwei Tenöre, zwei Violinen und B.c. G-Dur RWV.E 16 (aus Kernsprüche I, Leipzig 1648) Verlag Dohr
Soprane solo (2), Tenöre solo (2) SKU: VD.ED17822 Composed by Johann Rosenmuller. Edited by Michael Heinemann. Johann RosenmĂĽller - Gesamtausgabe seiner Werke. Classical. Singing score. 22 S. pages. Verlag Dohr #ED17822. Published by Verlag Dohr (VD.ED17822). ISBN 979…
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| Por Una Cabeza -Tango- (für Oboe und Klavier) Oboe, Piano (duet) Verlag Dohr
Oboe und Klavier SKU: VD.ED17612 Composed by Carlos Gardel. Arranged by Wolfgang Birtel. Classical. Score, solo part. 6 S. Part. + 1 S. Stimme pages. Verlag Dohr #ED17612. Published by Verlag Dohr (VD.ED17612). ISBN 9790202036129. 12 x 9 inches. $10.95 - See more - Buy online Pre-shipment lead time: 4 to 6 weeks | |

| Vocalise op. 34/14 (für Tenor-Saxophon und Klavier) Verlag Dohr
Tenor-Saxophon und Klavier SKU: VD.ED16450 Composed by Sergej Rachmaninoff. Arranged by Wolfgang Birtel. Classical. Score, solo part. 7 S. Part. + 3 S. Stimme pages. Verlag Dohr #ED16450. Published by Verlag Dohr (VD.ED16450). ISBN 9790202034507. 12 x 9 inches. …
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| Lieder am Pianoforte zu singen o.op. (1798/1799) Piano, Voice SATB, Orchestra [Score] Verlag Dohr
Voice and piano SKU: VD.ED26387 Composed by Johann Martin Friedrich Nisle. Edited by Guido Johannes Joerg. Nisle-Gesamtausgabe. Classical. Score. 18 S. pages. Verlag Dohr #ED26387. Published by Verlag Dohr (VD.ED26387). ISBN 9790202013878. 12 x 9 inches. $13.95 - See more - Buy online Pre-shipment lead time: 4 to 6 weeks | |