| Vachon P. - Quatuor A Cordes Op. Xi N° 4 En Si Bemol Majeur String Quartet: 2 violins, viola, cello CMBV
Conducteur Pierre Vachon naquit à Avignon en 1738. Il fut un brillant violoniste qui se produisit sur les plus grandes scènes à Paris, Londres et Berlin. Il fut nommé en 1786 Konzertmeister de l’Orchestre royal de Berlin. C’est é…
9.96 EUR - from Woodbrass Pre-shipment lead time: 24 hours - In Stock |
| Du Caurroy E. - Pieces Ecclesiasticae CMBV
Victimae Paschali laudes Vox Domini - Victimae Paschali laudes Caractéristiques Ton : modal Durée : moins de 10' Langue du texte : latin Liturgie : Pâques EFFECTIFS Effectif du choeur : 2 D, T - D, Bd, T, B chœur polychoral A Ca…
8.59 EUR - from Woodbrass Pre-shipment lead time: 24 hours - In Stock |
| Charpentier M. A. - Mors Saülis Et Jonathae (h 403) CMBV
Histoires sacrées, vol. 1 Editeur : Jean DURON Collection : Edition critique - Monumentales Type d'édition : édition critique Référence : CMBV_001 ISMN M-707034-01-9 Pagination : XVII-51 Reliures : broché Présentation Mors Saü…
43.54 EUR - from Woodbrass Pre-shipment lead time: 24 hours - In Stock |
| Gretry A.e.m. - Six Quatuors Op. Iii, Symphonie CMBV
- Quatuor op. III n°1 Ton : Sol Majeur Durée : moins de 10' N° du catalogue : op.3 n °1 EFFECTIFS Effectif instrumental : Vn (1
67.19 EUR - from Woodbrass Pre-shipment lead time: 24 hours - In Stock |
| Du Mont H. - Grands Motets Vol. 3 CMBV
- BENEDIC ANIMA MEA Ton : ré mineur Durée : entre 10' et 19' Langue du texte : latin Liturgie : psaume 102 EFFECTIFS Effectif soliste : D, Hc, Ht, Bt, B Effectif du choeur : D, Hc, Ht, Bt, B Effectif instrumental : Dvn (1
96.55 EUR - from Woodbrass Pre-shipment lead time: 24 hours - In Stock |
| Du Mont H. - Cantica Sacra CMBV
- BERNARDUS DOCTOR Ton : sol mineur (modal) Durée : moins de 10' Langue du texte : latin Liturgie : Fête de Saint Bernard EFFECTIFS Effectif soliste : 3 Dessus, Haute-contre ou 3 Dessus, Bas-dessus Effectif instrumental : basse c…
7.47 EUR - from Woodbrass Pre-shipment lead time: 24 hours - In Stock |
| Du Mont Henry - Grands Motets Vol. 1 (nisi Dominus) CMBV
13.94 EUR - from Woodbrass Pre-shipment lead time: 24 hours - In Stock |
| Du Mont Henry - Grands Motets Vol. 1 CMBV
- NISI DOMINUS Ton : ré mineur Durée : moins de 10' Langue du texte : latin Liturgie : Psaume 125 EFFECTIFS Effectif soliste : D, Hc, T, Bt, B Effectif du choeur : D, Hc, T, Bt, B Effectif instrumental : Dvn (1
64.07 EUR - from Woodbrass Pre-shipment lead time: 24 hours - In Stock |
| Der strebsame Akkordeonist Accordion Musikverlag Preissler
Schule für Akkordeon
Sammlung ausgewählter Etüden von Carl Czerny bearbeitet für Akkordeon (8-32 Bässe)
bearbeitet von Otto Bukowski
mittlerer Schwierigkeitsgrad
ISBN 9783940013231, ISMN 9790201400853, Verlags-Nr. JP 85-1
Format: …
15.00 EUR - from Thomann Pre-shipment lead time: 24 hours - In Stock |
| Altfranzösische Orgelmusik Organ Heinrichshofen Verlag
Sheet Music for Organ
Old French organ music: 5 organ pieces (manualiter) by French composers of the 17th and 18th centuries
Edited by Günter Kaluza
Intermediate level of difficulty
ISMN: 9790204426096, publisher's no. N 2609
17.00 EUR - from Thomann Pre-shipment lead time: 24 hours - In Stock |
| Altenglische Orgelmusik Organ Heinrichshofen Verlag
Sheet Music for Organ
Publisher Old English organ music: 15 organ pieces (manualiter) by English composers of the 17th and 18th centuries
Edited by Günter Kaluza
Easy to intermediate level of difficulty
ISMN: 9790204426560, publis…
15.00 EUR - from Thomann Pre-shipment lead time: 24 hours - In Stock |
| Grand Choeur Orgel Organ Heinrichshofen Verlag
Sheet Music for Organ
6 Organ pieces (manual) by French composers of the 19th century
Edited by Günter Kaluza
Intermediate level of difficulty
ISMN: 9790204426928, Publisher's no. N 2692
Format: 23 x 30.5 cm
56 Pages / Heinrichsho…
17.00 EUR - from Thomann Pre-shipment lead time: 24 hours - In Stock |
| Bach 21 Pezzi Per Clarinetto Clarinet Ricordi
Sheet Music for Clarinet
Johann Sebastian Bach 21 Pezzi Per Clarinetto: 21 pieces by Johann Sebastian Bach arranged for clarinet
Arranged by Alamiro Giampieri
Intermediate to advanced level of difficulty
ISMN 9790041826219, publis…
17.00 EUR - from Thomann Pre-shipment lead time: 24 hours - In Stock |
| Telemann Sonate F-Moll Posaune Trombone and Piano IMC (International Music Co.)
Classical Sheet Music for Trombone
Georg Philipp Telemann Sonata in F minor, TWV 41:f1: for trombone and piano
Arranged by Allen Ostrander and Robert Veyron-Lacroix
Intermediate to advanced level of difficulty
ISMN: 9790220414831,…
14.00 EUR - from Thomann Pre-shipment lead time: 24 hours - In Stock |
| Purcell Sonata Trumpet plusaremplacer Organ Organ, Trumpet (duet) Leduc, Alphonse
Sheet Music for Trumpet
Henry Purcell Sonata For Trumpet And Organ: Sonata in D major arranged for trumpet and organ
Arranged by Armando Ghitalla
Intermediate level of difficulty
ISMN 9790046285233, publisher's no. AL 28523
21.00 EUR - from Thomann Pre-shipment lead time: 24 hours - In Stock |