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| Hits of the Beatles Dulcimer Hal Leonard
Dulcimer Solo. Performed by The Beatles. Arranged by Neal Hellman. Dulcimer. Size 9x12 inches. 64 pages. Published by Hal Leonard Corporation.
(3) $19.99 - See more - Buy online Pre-shipment lead time: 24 hours - In Stock | | | 
| Fingerpicking Dulcimer Dulcimer [Sheet music + Audio access] Mel Bay
 Composed by Janita Baker. For dulcimer. Squareback saddle stitch. Beginning-Intermediate. Book and online audio. Published by Mel Bay Publications, Inc $22.99 - See more - Buy online Pre-shipment lead time: 1 to 2 weeks | | | 
| Complete Book of Celtic Music for Appalachian Dulcimer Dulcimer [Sheet music + Audio access] Mel Bay
 Composed by Mark Nelson. For dulcimer. Perfect binding. Complete. Multiple Levels. Book and online audio. Published by Mel Bay Publications, Inc $29.99 - See more - Buy online Pre-shipment lead time: 1 to 2 weeks | | | 
| The Wonderful World of DAA Dulcimer [Sheet music + Audio access] Mel Bay
 (Arrangements for the Mountain Dulcimer in DAA Tuning). Composed by Madeline MacNeil. For dulcimer: mountain. Saddle-stitched. Beginning. Book and online audio. Published by Mel Bay Publications, Inc $14.99 - See more - Buy online Pre-shipment lead time: 1 to 2 weeks | | | 
| Dulcimer a la Mode Dulcimer [Sheet music + Audio access] Mel Bay
 Arranged by Lorinda Jones.
Squareback saddle stitch.
Book and online audio. 80
pages. Published by Mel Bay
Publications, Inc $19.99 - See more - Buy online Pre-shipment lead time: 1 to 2 weeks | | | 
| Harmony Time: Embellishments for Hammered Dulcimer Dulcimer [Sheet music + Audio access] Mel Bay
Embellishments for Hammered Dulcimer. Composed by Dr. Mark Alan Wade. Saddle-stitched, Methods. Book and online audio. Published by Mel Bay Publications, Inc (MB.30062M). $19.99 - See more - Buy online Pre-shipment lead time: 1 to 2 weeks | | | 
| Another Jig Will Do Dulcimer [Sheet music] Kitchen Musician Books
(102 Fine Airs, Strathspeys, Reels, Jigs and Songs). Edited by Sara Johnson. For hammered dulcimer, fiddle, flute, mandolin, or guitar. Collection. 60 pages. Published by Kitchen Musician Books
$16.00 - See more - Buy online Pre-shipment lead time: 3 to 4 weeks | | | 
| Mostly Irish Airs
Dulcimer [Sheet music] Kitchen Musician Books
Compiled by Sarah Johnson. For solo hammered dulcimer, flute, or fiddle. Format: hammered dulcimer songbook. With chord names. Folk and irish. 20 pages. 9x12 inches. Published by Kitchen Musician Books.
(4) $8.00 - See more - Buy online Pre-shipment lead time: 3 to 4 weeks | | | 
| Dulcimer Chord Chart Dulcimer [Key & Note References] Mel Bay
By Lee Drew Andrews. For Dulcimer (Mountain). Chord Book. All. Level: Beginning. Chart. 4 pages. Published by Mel Bay Publications, Inc.
$6.99 - See more - Buy online Pre-shipment lead time: 1 to 2 weeks | | | 
| First Lessons Dulcimer Dulcimer [Sheet music + Audio access] Mel Bay
 (DAD Tuning). Composed by Joyce Ochs. For dulcimer. Saddle-stitched. First Lessons. Beginning. Book and online audio. Published by Mel Bay Publications, Inc $14.99 - See more - Buy online Pre-shipment lead time: 1 to 2 weeks | | | 
| Cripple Creek Dulcimer Dulcimer [Sheet music] Mel Bay
by Bud and Donna Ford. For mountain dulcimer. Acoustic music, solos. Level: Beginning. Book. Method. Size 8.75x11.75. 88 pages. Published by Mel Bay Pub., Inc.
$12.95 - See more - Buy online Pre-shipment lead time: 1 to 2 weeks | | | 
| Exercises For Hammer Dulcimer Dulcimer Kitchen Musician Books
Written by Linda Foley. For hammered dulcimer. Format: excercise book. With instructional text. Technique. 16 pages. 9x12 inches.
(2) $8.00 - See more - Buy online Pre-shipment lead time: 3 to 4 weeks | | | 
| Christmas Carols for Hammer Dulcimer Dulcimer [Fake Book] Kitchen Musician Books
Arranged by Sara Lee Johnson. For hammered dulcimer. Kitchen Musician No. 11. Christmas. Difficulty: medium. Fakebook. Standard notation, chord names and introductory text. 12 pages. Published by Kitchen Musician Books
(5) $8.00 - See more - Buy online Pre-shipment lead time: 2 to 3 weeks | | | 
| Children's Dulcimer Chord Book Dulcimer [Key & Note References] Mel Bay
By Lee Drew Andrews. For Dulcimer (Mountain). Chord Book. All. Beginning. Book. 16 pages. Published by Mel Bay Publications, Inc
$7.99 - See more - Buy online Pre-shipment lead time: 1 to 2 weeks | | | 
| Shall We Gather/Hymns Arranged for Hammered Dulcimer Dulcimer [Sheet music] Mel Bay
by Madeline MacNeil. For mountain dulcimer. Gospel-old time, sacred. Level: Beg-Intermediate. Book. Solos. Size 8.75x11.75. 56 pages. Published by Mel Bay Pub.,
(1) $19.99 - See more - Buy online Pre-shipment lead time: 1 to 2 weeks | | | 
| Waltz, Air and Misc. Dulcimer Kitchen Musician Books
For hammered dulcimer, fiddle, mandolin. Published by Kitchen Musician Books.
(1) $8.00 - See more - Buy online Pre-shipment lead time: 2 to 3 weeks | | | 
| Favourite Scotch Measures Dulcimer Kitchen Musician Books
For hammered dulcimer, fiddle, mandolin. 20 pages. Published by Kitchen Musician Books (KI.KM9).
25 tunes from Scotland and the Shetlands in standard notation and chords; strathspeys, jigs, reels, pipe tunes, some harmony parts.
(2) $8.00 - See more - Buy online Pre-shipment lead time: 3 to 4 weeks | | | 
| The Litel Renaissance and Medaeival Faque Booke
Dulcimer [Fake Book] Kitchen Musician Books
For hammered dulcimer, fiddle, mandolin. Published by Kitchen Musician Books
(3) $8.00 - See more - Buy online Pre-shipment lead time: 3 to 4 weeks | | |
Next >> 1 21 41 61 ... 101 |
| Vachon P. - Quatuor A Cordes Op. Xi N° 4 En Si Bemol Majeur String Quartet: 2 violins, viola, cello CMBV
Conducteur Pierre Vachon naquit à Avignon en 1738. Il fut un brillant violoniste qui se produisit sur les plus grandes scènes à Paris, Londres et Berlin. Il fut nommé en 1786 Konzertmeister de l’Orchestre royal de Berlin. C’est é…
9.96 EUR - from Woodbrass Pre-shipment lead time: 24 hours - In Stock | |
| Du Caurroy E. - Pieces Ecclesiasticae CMBV
Victimae Paschali laudes Vox Domini - Victimae Paschali laudes Caractéristiques Ton : modal Durée : moins de 10' Langue du texte : latin Liturgie : Pâques EFFECTIFS Effectif du choeur : 2 D, T - D, Bd, T, B chœur polychoral A Ca…
8.59 EUR - from Woodbrass Pre-shipment lead time: 24 hours - In Stock | |
| Charpentier M. A. - Mors Saülis Et Jonathae (h 403) CMBV
Histoires sacrées, vol. 1 Editeur : Jean DURON Collection : Edition critique - Monumentales Type d'édition : édition critique Référence : CMBV_001 ISMN M-707034-01-9 Pagination : XVII-51 Reliures : broché Présentation Mors Saü…
43.54 EUR - from Woodbrass Pre-shipment lead time: 24 hours - In Stock | |
| Gretry A.e.m. - Six Quatuors Op. Iii, Symphonie CMBV
- Quatuor op. III n°1 Ton : Sol Majeur Durée : moins de 10' N° du catalogue : op.3 n °1 EFFECTIFS Effectif instrumental : Vn (1
67.19 EUR - from Woodbrass Pre-shipment lead time: 24 hours - In Stock | |
| Du Mont H. - Grands Motets Vol. 3 CMBV
- BENEDIC ANIMA MEA Ton : ré mineur Durée : entre 10' et 19' Langue du texte : latin Liturgie : psaume 102 EFFECTIFS Effectif soliste : D, Hc, Ht, Bt, B Effectif du choeur : D, Hc, Ht, Bt, B Effectif instrumental : Dvn (1
96.55 EUR - from Woodbrass Pre-shipment lead time: 24 hours - In Stock | |
| Du Mont H. - Cantica Sacra CMBV
- BERNARDUS DOCTOR Ton : sol mineur (modal) Durée : moins de 10' Langue du texte : latin Liturgie : Fête de Saint Bernard EFFECTIFS Effectif soliste : 3 Dessus, Haute-contre ou 3 Dessus, Bas-dessus Effectif instrumental : basse c…
7.47 EUR - from Woodbrass Pre-shipment lead time: 24 hours - In Stock | |
| Du Mont Henry - Grands Motets Vol. 1 (nisi Dominus) CMBV
13.94 EUR - from Woodbrass Pre-shipment lead time: 24 hours - In Stock | |
| Du Mont Henry - Grands Motets Vol. 1 CMBV
- NISI DOMINUS Ton : ré mineur Durée : moins de 10' Langue du texte : latin Liturgie : Psaume 125 EFFECTIFS Effectif soliste : D, Hc, T, Bt, B Effectif du choeur : D, Hc, T, Bt, B Effectif instrumental : Dvn (1
64.07 EUR - from Woodbrass Pre-shipment lead time: 24 hours - In Stock | |
| Der strebsame Akkordeonist Accordion Musikverlag Preissler
Schule für Akkordeon
Sammlung ausgewählter Etüden von Carl Czerny bearbeitet für Akkordeon (8-32 Bässe)
bearbeitet von Otto Bukowski
mittlerer Schwierigkeitsgrad
ISBN 9783940013231, ISMN 9790201400853, Verlags-Nr. JP 85-1
Format: …
15.00 EUR - from Thomann Pre-shipment lead time: 24 hours - In Stock | |
| Altfranzösische Orgelmusik Organ Heinrichshofen Verlag
Sheet Music for Organ
Old French organ music: 5 organ pieces (manualiter) by French composers of the 17th and 18th centuries
Edited by Günter Kaluza
Intermediate level of difficulty
ISMN: 9790204426096, publisher's no. N 2609
17.00 EUR - from Thomann Pre-shipment lead time: 24 hours - In Stock | |
| Altenglische Orgelmusik Organ Heinrichshofen Verlag
Sheet Music for Organ
Publisher Old English organ music: 15 organ pieces (manualiter) by English composers of the 17th and 18th centuries
Edited by Günter Kaluza
Easy to intermediate level of difficulty
ISMN: 9790204426560, publis…
15.00 EUR - from Thomann Pre-shipment lead time: 24 hours - In Stock | |
| Grand Choeur Orgel Organ Heinrichshofen Verlag
Sheet Music for Organ
6 Organ pieces (manual) by French composers of the 19th century
Edited by Günter Kaluza
Intermediate level of difficulty
ISMN: 9790204426928, Publisher's no. N 2692
Format: 23 x 30.5 cm
56 Pages / Heinrichsho…
17.00 EUR - from Thomann Pre-shipment lead time: 24 hours - In Stock | |
| Bach 21 Pezzi Per Clarinetto Clarinet Ricordi
Sheet Music for Clarinet
Johann Sebastian Bach 21 Pezzi Per Clarinetto: 21 pieces by Johann Sebastian Bach arranged for clarinet
Arranged by Alamiro Giampieri
Intermediate to advanced level of difficulty
ISMN 9790041826219, publis…
17.00 EUR - from Thomann Pre-shipment lead time: 24 hours - In Stock | |
| Telemann Sonate F-Moll Posaune Trombone and Piano IMC (International Music Co.)
Classical Sheet Music for Trombone
Georg Philipp Telemann Sonata in F minor, TWV 41:f1: for trombone and piano
Arranged by Allen Ostrander and Robert Veyron-Lacroix
Intermediate to advanced level of difficulty
ISMN: 9790220414831,…
14.00 EUR - from Thomann Pre-shipment lead time: 24 hours - In Stock | |
| Purcell Sonata Trumpet plusaremplacer Organ Organ, Trumpet (duet) Leduc, Alphonse
Sheet Music for Trumpet
Henry Purcell Sonata For Trumpet And Organ: Sonata in D major arranged for trumpet and organ
Arranged by Armando Ghitalla
Intermediate level of difficulty
ISMN 9790046285233, publisher's no. AL 28523
21.00 EUR - from Thomann Pre-shipment lead time: 24 hours - In Stock | |
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