| Gradus ad parnassum [Conducteur] Noten Roehr
SKU: NR.99467 Etüden für Harmonium, opus 95, 1913. Composed by Sigfrid Karg-Elert. Keyboard instruments. Etuden fur Harmonium, opus 95, 1913 6Bande. Score. Noten Roehr #99467. Published by Noten Roehr (NR.99467). 1: 24 Etüden für Anfänger im Harmoniumspiel… $275.95 - Voir plus => Acheter Délais: 4 to 6 weeks |

| Siuita Piano, Voix [Conducteur] Noten Roehr
Voice and piano SKU: NR.104132 Dlia golosa i fortepiano = Suite : für Singstimme und Klavier, opus 11. Composed by Mikhail Mikhailovich Ippolitov-Ivanov. Vocal music. Dlia golosa i fortepiano = Suite : fur Singstimme und Klavier, opus 11, 1885 (ru). Score. Noten Roe… $20.95 - Voir plus => Acheter Délais: 4 to 6 weeks |

| Esli b stal ia vdrug sosnoiu [Conducteur] Noten Roehr
High voice and piano SKU: NR.104665 Dlia vysokoko golosa s fortepiano, 1956 (be/ru). Composed by Iulyi Serhiiovych Meitus. Vocal music. Score. Noten Roehr #104665. Published by Noten Roehr (NR.104665). Semynin, P., text, Wenn ich plötzlich eine Kiefer würd… $13.95 - Voir plus => Acheter Délais: 4 to 6 weeks |

| Drei Petrarca Sonette Piano, Voix [Conducteur] Noten Roehr
Voice and piano SKU: NR.105075 Für Singstimme und Klavier, D 628, 629, 630, 1818 (dt). Composed by Franz Schubert. Vocal music. Score. Noten Roehr #105075. Published by Noten Roehr (NR.105075). Fur Singstimme und Klavier, D 628, 629, 630, 1818 (dt) Mandycz… $20.95 - Voir plus => Acheter Délais: 4 to 6 weeks |

| Seven poems by James Joyce [Conducteur] Noten Roehr
Medium voice and piano SKU: NR.105118 For medium voice and piano, R 51, 1929 (en). Composed by Ernest John Moeran. Vocal music. Score. Noten Roehr #105118. Published by Noten Roehr (NR.105118). For medium voice and piano, R 51, 1929 (en) Strings in the … $33.95 - Voir plus => Acheter Délais: 4 to 6 weeks |

| Tvorchestvo molodykh [Conducteur] Noten Roehr
High voice and piano SKU: NR.73160 Pesni dlia golosa v soprovozhdenii fortepiano (gitary, baiana) (ru). Composed by Oleg Borisovich Ivanov. Vocal music. Score. Noten Roehr #73160. Published by Noten Roehr (NR.73160). Kreativität der Jugend : Lieder für Sin… $27.95 - Voir plus => Acheter Délais: 4 to 6 weeks |

| Tvorchestvo molodykh [Conducteur] Noten Roehr
High voice and piano SKU: NR.73161 Pesni dlia golosa v soprovozhdenii fortepiano (gitary, baiana) (ru). Composed by Mark Anatol'evich Minkov. Vocal music. Score. Noten Roehr #73161. Published by Noten Roehr (NR.73161). Kreativität der Jugend : Lieder für S… $20.95 - Voir plus => Acheter Délais: 4 to 6 weeks |

| Sechs Gedichte von Alexander Blok Piano, Voix [Conducteur] Noten Roehr
Voice and piano SKU: NR.104821 Für Singstimme und Klavier, opus 20, 1921 (ru). Composed by Nikolai Iakovlevich Miaskovskii. Vocal music. Score. Noten Roehr #104821. Published by Noten Roehr (NR.104821). Fur Singstimme und Klavier, opus 20, 1921 (ru), Medli… $33.95 - Voir plus => Acheter Délais: 4 to 6 weeks |

| Pervaia vstrecha [Conducteur] Noten Roehr
High voice and piano SKU: NR.104669 Dlia vysokogo golosa s fortepiano, 1956 (ru). Composed by Grigorii Iakovlevich Khirbiu. Vocal music. Score. Noten Roehr #104669. Published by Noten Roehr (NR.104669). Kaurov, B., text, Das erste Treffen : für hohe Singst… $13.95 - Voir plus => Acheter Délais: 4 to 6 weeks |

| Tantseval'naia siuita [Conducteur] Noten Roehr
SKU: NR.106094 Dlia fortepiano = Tanzsuite : für Klavier, opus 44, 1936. Composed by Aleksandr Abramovich Krein. Keyboard instruments. Score. Noten Roehr #106094. Published by Noten Roehr (NR.106094). $33.95 - Voir plus => Acheter Délais: 4 to 6 weeks |

| Preludium G-dur [Conducteur] Noten Roehr
Mandolin and harp SKU: NR.9052 Für Mandoline und Harfe, 2020. Composed by Betina Muller. Plucked instrumental music. Score. Noten Roehr #9052. Published by Noten Roehr (NR.9052). Fur Mandoline und Harfe, 2020. $13.95 - Voir plus => Acheter Délais: 4 to 6 weeks |

| Elegie a-moll Orgue [Conducteur] Noten Roehr
Organ SKU: NR.13040 Für Orgel, 1896 Buck, Dudley, 1839-1909, ed. Composed by Carl Piutti. Keyboard instruments. Score. Noten Roehr #13040. Published by Noten Roehr (NR.13040). Fur Orgel, 1896 Buck, Dudley, 1839-1909, ed. $13.95 - Voir plus => Acheter Délais: 4 to 6 weeks |

| Vozvrashchenie k Pushkinu [Conducteur] Noten Roehr
High voice and piano SKU: NR.65928 Vokal'nyi tsikl na slova V. Lazareva dlia vysokogo golosa s. Composed by Valerii Grigor'evich Kikta. Vocal music. Score. Noten Roehr #65928. Published by Noten Roehr (NR.65928). ISBN 9790579993322. Lazarev, V., text, Rückk… $27.95 - Voir plus => Acheter Délais: 4 to 6 weeks |

| Kak liubliu tebia? [Conducteur] Noten Roehr
High voice and piano SKU: NR.39971 Dlia vysokogo golosa s fortepiano, soch. 14, no. 2 (ru). Composed by Merab Alekseevich Partskhaladze. Vocal music. Score. Noten Roehr #39971. Published by Noten Roehr (NR.39971). Registana G., text, Wie ich dich liebe? : … $13.95 - Voir plus => Acheter Délais: 4 to 6 weeks |

| Liricheskie i shutochnye pesni stran narodnoi demokratii Piano, Voix [Conducteur] Noten Roehr
Voice and piano SKU: NR.103841 [dlia golosa i fortepiano]. Vocal music. Score. Noten Roehr #103841. Published by Noten Roehr (NR.103841). Lyrische und komische Lieder aus Volksemokratien, Lirical and comic songs from people's democracies, Repertuar khudozh… $152.95 - Voir plus => Acheter Délais: 4 to 6 weeks |

| Suite [Conducteur] Noten Roehr
Mandolin and harp SKU: NR.104524 Für Mandoline und Harfe, 2020. Composed by Betina Muller. Plucked instrumental music. Score. Noten Roehr #104524. Published by Noten Roehr (NR.104524). Arioso, Capriccio, Preludium, Walzer fur Mandoline und Harfe, 2020 P… $46.95 - Voir plus => Acheter Délais: 4 to 6 weeks |

| Five miniatures Clarinette [Conducteur] Noten Roehr
Clarinet SKU: NR.104544 For clarinet solo, 2012, revised 2020. Composed by Silvano Antonio Pagliuca Mena. Woodwind music. Score. Noten Roehr #104544. Published by Noten Roehr (NR.104544). For clarinet solo, 2012, revised 2020. $20.95 - Voir plus => Acheter Délais: 4 to 6 weeks |