- Bastl Instruments Crust; Eurorack module; complex drum synthesizer; two layers mixable via crossfader and CV input; Tone layer with dual oscillator and 4 modes (FM, FM2, dual, ring modulation); pitch envelope with adjustable attack and decay times; Noise layer with 4 modes (white noise, clap, bit, metal) and lowpass/highpass filter; octave, pitch, detune and envelope-sweep adjustable for the dual oscillator; Timbre section with filter, clipper or shaper; bi-polar CTRL-knob (with CV input) can be assigned to several parameters; trigger and velocity inputs; pitch CV input for Tone layer; envelope CV input and envelope output; drum audio output; power consumption: 90mA (+12V) / 20mA (-12V); width: 8 HP; depth: 24mm
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