- Brainworx bx_console SSL 9000 J (ESD); channelstrip plugin; precise recreation of the signal path, workflow, and sound of the original Solid State Logic channel strip at the component level; delivers the big, deep and clear sound of the analogue console with its expanded top and bottom end which can be found in many tracks by contemporary artists; includes a variable input filter section, compressor, expander, four-band EQ, large fader, level meter and many more; 72 TMT Channel emulations per each plugin mimic the component tolerances like an actual console, powered by Brainworx's patent-registered Tolerance Modeling Technology; EQ modes switchable between E- and G-style filters; 9000 series-only dynamics features such as Peak Detect and expander/gate Hold; additional features, such as adjustable Total Harmonic Distortion, a compressor mix parameter, and a V-Gain control for authentic control of the signal path
$75.00 - Voir plus - Acheter en ligne