Articles similaires - Vendeurs Européens

| Edgar Russ - Sound of Cremona : Scala Perfetta Viola 15,5''
Edgar Russ - Sound of Cremona Scala Perfetta Viola 15,5'', Scala Perfetta Viola 15,5'' / 39,5cm, made in Europe, adjusted, varnished and set-up at the Edgar Russ violin workshop in Cremona, an instrument with outstanding Italian sound qualities, body length 39,5cm / 15,5", two-pa… 4899.00 € - Voir plus - Acheter en ligneEn Stock | | 
| Larsen : Il Cannone Gold Violin Strings
- Larsen Il Cannone Gold Violin Strings, complete set of 4 strings, E-string carbon-steel with detachable ball, A-string multifilament-fibre nylon core wound with aluminium flat-wire, D & G-string multifilament-fibre nylon core wound with gold, A-, D- and G-string with ball… 398.00 € - Voir plus - Acheter en ligneEn Stock Agrandir image | | 
| Thomann : Europe 5-Str. Antiqued Violin
- 5 cordes - Avec corde de Do grave - Accordage: Do, Sol, Ré, La, Mi - Table en épicéa massif - Fond en érable massif - Eclisses en érable massif - Touche en ébène - Chevilles en ébène - Cordes Thomastik Dominant - Vernis antique… 498.00 € - Voir plus - Acheter en ligneEn Stock Agrandir image | |