| Bachstudien Altblockflöte Treble (Alto) Recorder Hofmeister Musikverlag
Exercises for Alto Recorder
20 Exercises for the alto recorder
Extracted from cantatas by Johann Sebastian Bach
Edited by Linde Höffer-von Winterfeld
Intermediate to advanced level of difficulty
ISMN 9790203461302, publisher's no.…
18.00 EUR - from Thomann Pre-shipment lead time: 24 hours - In Stock |
| Etüden for Altflöte Treble (Alto) Recorder Heinrichshofen Verlag
Sheet Music for Recorder
Etudes for alto flute
With inset table for trills and ornaments in the fingering chart
By Gertrud Keller
ISMN: 9790204461165, publisher's no. N 6116
Format: 23 x 30.5 cm
18 Pages
In German / Heinrichshofen…
11.00 EUR - from Thomann Pre-shipment lead time: 24 hours - In Stock |
| Elgar Enigma-Variationen Orgel Organ Carus Verlag
Classical Sheet Music for Organ
Edward Elgar: Enigma Variations op. 36
Arranged for organ
Edited by Eberhard Hofmann
ISMN 9790007188108, publishing no. CV 18.011/00
Format: 23 x 30.5 cm
32 Pages / Carus Verlag
38.00 EUR - from Thomann Pre-shipment lead time: 24 hours - In Stock |
| SOLOCajon Cajon Sebastian Schmid
Songbook for Cajon
15 Pop/rock solos for cajon
By Sebastian Schmid
Advanced level of difficulty
Format: 21 x 29 cm
20 Pages / Sebastian Schmid
21.00 EUR - from Thomann Pre-shipment lead time: 24 hours - In Stock |
| Classic Standards for Sax Saxophone and Piano Edition Hug
Sheet Music for Saxophone
Classic Standards for Sax - Arrangements for alto and tenor saxophone and piano: 12 classical pieces arranged for alto and tenor saxophone and piano
Arranged by Iwan Roth
Intermediate level of difficulty
28.00 EUR - from Thomann Pre-shipment lead time: 24 hours - In Stock |
| Ray Charles Piano Piano, Voice Amsco Wise Publications
Songbook for Piano
14 Songs by Ray Charles
Transcribed for piano
Intermediate level of difficulty
ISBN 9780711941267, publisher's no. AM 92019
Format: 23 x 30.5 cm
96 Pages / Wise Publications
28.00 EUR - from Thomann Pre-shipment lead time: 24 hours - In Stock |
| Funktionale Stimmentwicklung Voice solo Schott
Schule für Gesang und Stimmbildung
Fachbuch zur Stimmbildung
von Cornelius L. Reid
ISBN 9783795787233, Verlags-Nr. ED 8723
Format: 17 x 24 cm
84 Seiten
in deutscher Sprache / Schott
28.00 EUR - from Thomann Pre-shipment lead time: 24 hours - In Stock |
| Wie Mozart in die Kugel kam Pantheon Verlag
Anekdoten aus der klassischen Musik
von Rainer Schmitz und Benno Ure
ISBN 9783570553718
Format:15,0 x 22,7 cm
1168 Seiten
deutsche Ausgabe / Pantheon Verlag
21.00 EUR - from Thomann Pre-shipment lead time: 24 hours - In Stock |
| The Who: 50 Biography Prestel Verlag
offizielle illustrierte Bandgeschichte zum 50-jährigen Jubiläum
von Ben Marshall in Zusammenarbeit mit Pete Townshend und Roger Daltrey
ISBN 9783791381879
Format: 25,0 x 27,9 cm
320 Seiten
in deutscher Sprache
gebundene A…
21.00 EUR - from Thomann Pre-shipment lead time: 24 hours - In Stock |
| Skibbereen 2 Recorders (duet) Heinrichshofen Verlag
Songbook for Recorder
Irish, Scottish and English folksongs
25 Traditional Irish, Scottish and English songs
Arranged for 2 recorders (SA/ST)
Arranged and edited by Sieglinde Heilig and Uwe Heger
Easy to intermediate level of diff…
12.00 EUR - from Thomann Pre-shipment lead time: 24 hours - In Stock |
| Leopold Mozart Kleine Stücke Violin and Piano Heinrichshofen Verlag
Classical Sheet Music for Violin
Leopold Mozart 12 little pieces from the music book for Wolfgang Amadeus
Arranged for violin and piano
Edited by Hans Millies
Easy level of difficulty
ISMN: 9790204530045, publisher's no. N 3004
15.00 EUR - from Thomann Pre-shipment lead time: 24 hours - In Stock |
| Duette Alter Meister Violin 2 Violins (duet) Heinrichshofen Verlag
Classical Sheet Music for Violin
11 Baroque pieces arranged for 2 violins (1st position)
Edited by Waldemar Twarz
Easy level of difficulty
ISMN: 9790204402052, publisher's no. N 205
Format: 23 x 30.5 cm
12 Pages
/ Heinrichshofen …
9.00 EUR - from Thomann Pre-shipment lead time: 24 hours - In Stock |
| Medtner Vergessene Weisen Piano solo Zimmermann
Zimmermann Verlag Nikolai Medtner Forgotten Melodies op.39: for piano, edited by Christoph Flamm, intermediate level of difficulty, ISMN 9790010347806, ZM 34780, 23 x 30.5 cm, 88 pages / Zimmermann Verlag
38.00 EUR - from Thomann Pre-shipment lead time: 24 hours - In Stock |
| The II-V-I Progression Saxophone Advance Music
 / Advance Music 24.00 EUR - from Thomann Pre-shipment lead time: 24 hours - In Stock |
| Mit der Ocarina Zeitreise 2 Ocarina ocarinamusic
Classical Sheet Music for Ocarina
Pieces from the Baroque
Arranged for 4 to 7 ocarinas
Easy level of difficulty
ISBN 9783902631435
Format: 21 x 29.5 cm
40 / 12 / 12 / 12 / 8 / 12 Pages / ocarinamusic
32.00 EUR - from Thomann Pre-shipment lead time: 24 hours - In Stock |