Essential for extended and efficient performance, Pearl Roadster thrones feature advanced ergonomic design and a selection of computer-tempered cushion tops to provide support and ease joint pressure during long sessions. The D-1500TGL features a Trilateral Multi-Core Foam cusion, with multiple layers of varied density foam for better playing and improved feel. Its unique shape offers the option of Saddle or Round Top feel and is adaptable to Pearl's optional DTBR-1535 breathable backrest. The unique Aluminum Strut design of the Gas Lift tripod gives solid support and lightweight, easily adaptable transport. CUSHION 15 Trilateral Multi-Core Foam Cushion BACKREST Accepts Optional DTBR-1535 Backrest HEIGHT RANGE Gas Lift Height Adjustment 495 - 695mm (19.5 - 27.4)
EUR 239.00 - See more - Buy online