- Bruno Tilz Christoph Ess CE1; mouthpiece for French horn; rim inner diameter: 18.0 mm; bore: 4.4 mm; rim: medium wide; cup: medium deep; based on the Tilz model E.Schmid 115; the rim is slightly wider and rounder on the outside; the larger contact surface on the lip provides more grip and stability; the cup is slightly more open at the bottom of the bore than the model E. Schmid115; this leads to a better air flow and thus to a more centered sound, especially in the area around the break position, because you can switch more quickly between the registers; bindings can be designed very nicely; the back bore is also more open; 1mm more mass is applied to the outer body, which makes the mouthpiece about 4-5g heavier; this has a very nice tonal effect and makes the sound rounder, warmer and slightly darker, without losing the brilliance in the higher register; silver-plated
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