Hip Licks for Guitar is designed to helpguitarists develop fluency in the jazz language by providing mainstream jazz vocabulary (swing/bop/post-bop) that nails the changes and lays great on the horn. Think of Hip Licks for Guitar as a musical reference book, like a dictionary of great licks in all twelve keys, available when you need it. You can open the book to any page and just start playing. Special Features of Hip Licks for Guitar by Greg Fishman, featuring guitarist, Mike Allemana: ? 168 Hip Licks ? Each lick is unique and customized for each key. The C7 lick is different than the B7 lick, which is different than the Bb7 lick, etc. ? Slow Tempo and Fast Tempo Play-Along CDs are Included 2 Guitar CDs featuring master guitarist Mike Allemana playing the licks at slow
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