Georges Dandelot (1895-1975), who was a pupil of Widor, Roussel and Dukas, achieved posterity only through his educational manuals, which seem to enjoy permanent success. Some may regret the fact that his compositions have fallen into oblivion, but nobody can deny his tremendous talent for musical instruction. When it was published in 1935, the five-volume Etude Du Rythme filled a glaring gap: for the first time, a progressive method - graduated with minute care - set out to inculcate pupils with this 'vital element? of all music. Dedicated to the simplest rhythms that are 'the basis of all to follow?, the first volume now comes with a valuable addition: an audio version, attached to the score in the form of a download card, enabling budding musicians to monitor for themselves whether they have correctly reproduced the rhythms of the exercises. Of course, this recording can also be used to carry out rhythm dictations - modern-day technology at the service of a timeless method. / Percussions
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