With no fewer than 50 blues licks and riffs inspired by the greatest blues musicians ever to have lived such as Eric Clapton, Buddy Guy, Albert King, Muddy Waters, Stevie Ray Vaughan and BB King, the 50 Rhythmiques Blues A La Guitare is ideal for any budding blues guitarist.Not only this, playing these riffs and licks is so enjoyable, that you will be learning techniques and theory simultaneously. Blues techniques like triads, double stops, bends, hammer-ons, pull-offs, grace notes, binary rhythmic shuffles, and, in the first chapter, structure, rhythm and chords.The accompanying DVD allows you to hear and see all 50 riffs in detail, at normal speed and slowed down, giving you the ability to master the perfect techniques, choosing the perfect fingerings and to play in the groove.The accompanying MP3 CD is composed of 50 tracks that can be played at two different speeds. The Guitar can be heard at normal speed, that then fades away so that you can take its place instead. The duration of these tracks is long enough to allow you to play for enough time to master all the necessary techniques. / Guitare
EUR 29.00 - See more - Buy online