In The Heights is the much anticipated American musical drama film based on the stage musical of the same name by Quiara Alegría Hudes and Lin-Manuel Miranda. This official, artist approved songbook includes 13 songs from the movie transcribed for piano, voice and guitar, plus original, full-colour photography and artwork.
Lin-Manuel Miranda’s kinetic music and lyrics capture a world very much of its place, but universal in its experience. The original stage musical was nominated for thirteen Tony Awards and won four, including Best Musical.
1. In The Heights
2. Breathe
3. ¡No Me Diga!
4. It Won’t Be Long Now
5. 96,000
6. Piragua
7. When You’re Home
8. Blackout
/ Partitions variété - pop - rock / Musique films - comédies musicales / / FABER MUSIC
EUR 26.70 - See more - Buy online