Chilly Gonzales brings some of the joy back to the lapsed amateur pianist with his Re-Introduction Etudes: a book of 24 easy-to-master, fun-to-play piano pieces specifically designed to unlock musical mysteries for those who gave it up.
Each etude is introduced by a short text, in which Gonzo shares his point of view on scales, explains how melodies are designed, how modern pop harmony works ... and divulges his own personal "shortcuts". The companion CD of his recordings of the 24 pieces goes a long way to getting the music into the piano student's head, so it can then spill out onto the keys and a tear-out poster strategically placed near the piano will inspire the musician in all of you! / [Chilly Gonzales : Re-Introduction Etudes CD Poster] / Méthodes and études instrumentales / Co-éditeur : Gentle Threat / Partitions CD / Wiro (Ressorts) /
EUR 28.50 - See more - Buy online