| (Volume 2: SAB and 2-part). For SAB choir, 2-part choir. Eastertide, Easter Sunday, Ascension, Pentecost Sunday. Sacred. Collection. Published by GIA Publications Arr : Choral 3-partPublisher : GIA Publications$14.95 - See more - Buy online Item Number: GI.G-7798
The cornerstone of your choral library
Compiled from GIA's best sellers and newer gems, each volume in the CHORAL ESSENTIALS series highlights a particular season and includes pieces in a variety of styles, voicings, and instrumentation.
"Invaluable" as a planning tool. . .
. . ."affordable" enough to purchase copies for your entire choir!
Included in this edition:
G-4062 Pentecost Sequence - arranged Nicholas Palmer
G-4300 Surrexit Christus / Christ Is Arisen - Giovanni Battista Pergolesi, edited Richard Proulx
G-4395 Go to the World! - Carl Johengen
G-4465 Easter Carol - Richard Proulx
G-4724 The Sun Was Bright That Easter Dawn - Randall Sensmeier
G-5042 O Sons and Daughters / O filii et filiae - Luigi Cherubini, edited Richard Proulx
G-5267 Christ Is Risen, Christ Is Living / Cristo Vive, Fuera el Llanto - Austin C. Lovelace
G-5347 Christ Is Risen! Shout Hosanna! - Bob Moore
G-5685 Ascendit Deus / Our God Has Gone Up - Oreste Ravanello, edited Paul M. French
G-5894 Early Easter Morning - Jennifer Kerr Breedlove
G-6065 Christ Is Alive - Lori True
G-6325 Alleluia Round - William Boyce, arranged Richard Proulx
G-6877 The Heavens Are Singing - David W. Music
G-7241 Lord, Send Out Your Spirit / Senor, Envia Tu Espiritu - Tony Alonso
G-7668 Pray through Us, Holy Spirit - David Haas.