| Sechs Kammersonaten [Score] Noten Roehr
Flute or violin and obligates harpsichord (piano) SKU: NR.12667 Für Flöte oder Violine und obligates Cembalo (Klavier) : Band I, 1-3. Composed by Johann Ludwig Krebs. Edited by Bernhard Klein. Woodwind music. Score. Noten Roehr #12667. Published by Noten Roehr (NR.1… $74.95 - See more - Buy online Pre-shipment lead time: 4 to 6 weeks | |

| Sechs Kammersonaten [Score] Noten Roehr
Obligato harpsichord (piano), flute (violin) and cello SKU: NR.71959 Für obligates Cembalo (Klavier), Querflöte (Violine) und Violoncello. Composed by Franz Xaver Richter. Edited by Walter Upmeyer. Chamber music (3-9 instruments). Score. Noten Roehr #71959. Publishe… $103.95 - See more - Buy online Pre-shipment lead time: 4 to 6 weeks | |

| Werke für Violine und Klavier / 2 Sonaten für Violine solo eda records
SKU: M7.EDA-49 Composed by Krzysztof Meyer. CD. Duration 64'. Eda records #EDA 49. Published by eda records (M7.EDA-49). UPC: 840387100494. Kolja Lessing dedicates this recording to Krzysztof Meyer on the occasion of the composer's eightieth birthday in 2023. Meye…
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| Sonaten für Klavier und Violine (Violinstimme) Violin SATB, Orchestra Verlag Dohr
Violin SKU: VD.ED10232 Violinstimme. Composed by Christian Gottlob Neefe. Edited by Günther Massenkeil and Inge Forst. Denkmäler rheinischer Musik Bd. 39a. Classical. Solo part. 38 S. pages. Verlag Dohr #ED10232. Published by Verlag Dohr (VD.ED10232). ISBN 9790…
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| Sonaten für Klavier und Violine Violin and Piano [Score] Verlag Dohr
Violin, piano SKU: VD.ED10231 Composed by Christian Gottlob Neefe. Edited by Günther Massenkeil and Inge Forst. Denkmäler rheinischer Musik Bd. 39. Classical. Score. 128 S. pages. Verlag Dohr #ED10231. Published by Verlag Dohr (VD.ED10231). ISBN 9790202022313. 12 x 9 …
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| Sonate Nr. 3 für Violine und Klavier A-Dur (aus: Sechs Klaviersonaten mit Begleitung einer Violine) Violin and Piano Verlag Dohr
Violin, piano SKU: VD.ED10235 Aus: Sechs Klaviersonaten mit Begleitung einer Violine. Composed by Christian Gottlob Neefe. Edited by Günther Massenkeil and Inge Forst. Classical. Score, solo part. 14 S. Part. + 3 S. Stimme pages. Verlag Dohr #ED10235. Published by … $13.95 - See more - Buy online Pre-shipment lead time: 4 to 6 weeks | |

| Sonate Nr. 4 für Violine und Klavier E-Dur (aus: Sechs Klaviersonaten mit Begleitung einer Violine) Violin and Piano Verlag Dohr
Violin, piano SKU: VD.ED10236 Aus: Sechs Klaviersonaten mit Begleitung einer Violine. Composed by Christian Gottlob Neefe. Edited by Günther Massenkeil and Inge Forst. Classical. Score, solo part. 17 S. Part. + 7 S. Stimme pages. Verlag Dohr #ED10236. Published by … $19.95 - See more - Buy online Pre-shipment lead time: 4 to 6 weeks | |

| Sonate Nr. 6 für Violine und Klavier B-Dur (aus: Sechs Klaviersonaten mit Begleitung einer Violine) Violin and Piano Verlag Dohr
Violin, piano SKU: VD.ED10238 Aus: Sechs Klaviersonaten mit Begleitung einer Violine. Composed by Christian Gottlob Neefe. Edited by Günther Massenkeil and Inge Forst. Classical. Score, solo part. 25 S. Part. + 9 S. Stimme pages. Verlag Dohr #ED10238. Published by … $26.95 - See more - Buy online Pre-shipment lead time: 4 to 6 weeks | |

| Sonate Nr. 5 für Violine und Klavier C-Dur (aus: Sechs Klaviersonaten mit Begleitung einer Violine) Violin and Piano Verlag Dohr
Violin, piano SKU: VD.ED10237 Aus: Sechs Klaviersonaten mit Begleitung einer Violine. Composed by Christian Gottlob Neefe. Edited by Günther Massenkeil and Inge Forst. Classical. Score, solo part. 23 S. Part. + 7 S. Stimme pages. Verlag Dohr #ED10237. Published by … $21.95 - See more - Buy online Pre-shipment lead time: 4 to 6 weeks | |

| Sonate Nr. 1 für Violine und Klavier D-Dur (aus: Sechs Klaviersonaten mit Begleitung einer Violine) Violin and Piano Verlag Dohr
Violin, piano SKU: VD.ED10233 Aus: Sechs Klaviersonaten mit Begleitung einer Violine. Composed by Christian Gottlob Neefe. Edited by Günther Massenkeil and Inge Forst. Classical. Score, solo part. 9 S. Part. + 3 S. Stimme pages. Verlag Dohr #ED10233. Published by V… $11.95 - See more - Buy online Pre-shipment lead time: 4 to 6 weeks | |

| Sonate Nr. 2 für Violine und Klavier As-Dur (aus: Sechs Klaviersonaten mit Begleitung einer Violine) Violin and Piano Verlag Dohr
Violin, piano SKU: VD.ED10234 Aus: Sechs Klaviersonaten mit Begleitung einer Violine. Composed by Christian Gottlob Neefe. Edited by Günther Massenkeil and Inge Forst. Classical. Score, solo part. 17 S. Part. + 4 S. Stimme pages. Verlag Dohr #ED10234. Published by … $15.95 - See more - Buy online Pre-shipment lead time: 4 to 6 weeks | |

| Sonaten und Variationen für Klavier und Violine, Band 2 Violin and Piano Barenreiter
Violin, piano SKU: BA.BA04540-01 Composed by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Edited by Eduard Reeser. This edition: complete edition, urtext edition. Linen. New Mozart Edition (NMA) VIII/23/2. Klassik (Classical). Complete edition, Performance score, Part, anthology. Duration 3 h… $253.95 - See more - Buy online Pre-shipment lead time: 1 to 2 weeks | |

| Sonaten und Variationen für Klavier und Violine, Band 1 Violin and Piano Barenreiter
Violin, piano SKU: BA.BA04539-01 Composed by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Edited by Eduard Reeser. This edition: complete edition, urtext edition. Linen. New Mozart Edition (Neue Mozart Ausgabe - NMA) Series VIII, Volume 23, No. 1. Klassik (Classical). Complete edition, Perfor… $253.95 - See more - Buy online Pre-shipment lead time: 1 to 2 weeks | |

| Werke for Piano and one Instrument Piano solo Barenreiter
Instrument, piano SKU: BA.BA05505 Werke fur Violine und Klavier, Flote und Klavier, Arpeggione und Klavier - Anhang. Composed by Franz Schubert. Edited by Helmut Wirth. This edition: complete edition, urtext edition. Linen. New Schubert Edition VI/8. Romantik (Roman… $316.95 - See more - Buy online Pre-shipment lead time: 1 to 2 weeks | |

| Werke zweifelhafter Echtheit, Band 2 Barenreiter
Instrument SKU: BA.BA04612-01 Divertimenti für Blasinstrumente - Sonaten für Klavier und Violine - Klaviermusik. Composed by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Edited by Franz Giegling, Wolfgang Plath, and Wolfgang Rehm. This edition: complete edition, urtext edition. Linen… $259.95 - See more - Buy online Pre-shipment lead time: 1 to 2 weeks | |

| Werke zweifelhafter Echtheit, Band 2 Barenreiter
Instrument SKU: BA.BA04612-40 Divertimenti für Blasinstrumente - Sonaten für Klavier und Violine - Klaviermusik. Composed by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Edited by Franz Giegling, Wolfgang Plath, and Wolfgang Rehm. This edition: Complete edition. Paperback. New Mozart… $61.95 - See more - Buy online Pre-shipment lead time: 1 to 2 weeks | |

| Sonaten und Variationen für Klavier und Violine Violin and Piano Barenreiter
Violin, piano SKU: BA.BA04539-40 Kritischer Bericht zu den Bänden 1 (BA 4539 01) und 2 (BA 4540 01). Composed by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Edited by Eduard Reeser. This edition: Complete edition. Paperback. New Mozart Edition (Neue Mozart Ausgabe - NMA) Series VIII,… $72.95 - See more - Buy online Pre-shipment lead time: 1 to 2 weeks | |

| 6 Romantic Sonatas K. 55-60 Violin and Piano [Score] Breitkopf and Hartel
Violin, piano SKU: BR.EB-4476 Composed by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Edited by Helmut Gartner. Solo instruments; Softbound. Edition Breitkopf. Sonata; Classical. Score. 88 pages. Breitkopf and Haertel #EB 4476. Published by Breitkopf and Haertel (BR.EB-4476). ISBN 9790004…
$32.95 - See more - Buy online Pre-shipment lead time: 3 to 4 weeks | |

| Bmmg Vol. 13 Michels:h.a. Hoffman Schott
SKU: HL.49006248 Leben und Werk. Composed by Egmont Michels. This edition: Paperback/Soft Cover. Book. Edition Schott. Classical. 164 pages. Schott Music #ED 6375. Published by Schott Music (HL.49006248). ISBN 9783795713133. German. Zurecht darf Heinrich An…
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| Hoeren Mit Begeisterung Schott
SKU: HL.49013189 Ein Weg zum aktiven Musik-Erleben. Composed by Stefan Schaub. This edition: Paperback/Soft Cover. Book. Edition Schott. Der Erste-Hilfe-Kasten fur wache Ohren. Classical. 252 pages. Schott Music #ATL 6222. Published by Schott Music (HL.49013189). $41.95 - See more - Buy online | |

| Schaub S Hoeren Mit Begeisterung/cd-box Schott
(CD-BOX) SKU: HL.49020868 Ein Weg zum aktiven Musik-Erleben - Sound Examples to the book. Composed by Schaub. Recording mediums. Edition Schott. Der Erste-Hilfe-Kasten fur wache Ohren. 4 CDs. Schott Music #ATL 6223. Published by Schott Music (HL.49020868). ISBN 9…
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| Sonate No. 2 Op. 58 Violin And Piano Violin and Piano Schott
Violin and piano SKU: HL.49044181 Composed by Stefan Heucke. This edition: Saddle stitching. Sheet music. String. Softcover. Composed 2009. Op. 58. 68 pages. Duration 21'. Schott Music #VLB189. Published by Schott Music (HL.49044181). ISBN 9790001197939. 9.25x12.0x0.263…
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| Schaub S Hoeren Mit Begeisterung [Sheet music + CD] Schott
(BUCH+CD) SKU: HL.49020867 Ein Weg zum aktiven Musik-Erleben. Composed by Schaub. This edition: Paperback/Soft Cover. Book with CD. Edition Schott. Der Erste-Hilfe-Kasten fur wache Ohren. Edition with CD. 252 pages. Schott Music #ATL 6222-50. Published by Schott Mus… $55.95 - See more - Buy online | |

| Instrumentalschueller Als Interpret Schott
SKU: HL.49007484 Musikalische Spielraume im Instrumentalunterricht. Composed by Peter Rö and bke. This edition: Hardback/Hard Cover. Book. Edition Schott. Classical. 254 pages. Schott Music #ED 7733. Published by Schott Music (HL.49007484). ISBN 9783795700676…
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| Klaviertrios Barenreiter
(KV 10-15, 254, 496, 498, 502, 542, 548, 564. Anhange. Urtext der Neuen Mozart-Ausgabe). By Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791). Edited by Wolfgang Plath; Wolfgang Rehm. For Violin/Flute/Clarinet (B Flat), Violoncello/Viola, Piano. Neue Mozart-Ausgabe. Serie VIII, Werkgruppe 22/2…
$348.95 - See more - Buy online Pre-shipment lead time: 1 to 2 weeks | |

| Werke zweifelhafter Echtheit, Band 2 Violin and Piano Barenreiter
(Divertimenti fur Blasinstrumente - Sonaten fur Klavier und Violine - Klaviermusik. Urtext der Neuen Mozart-Asgabe). By Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791). Edited by Franz Giegling; Wolfgang Plath; Wolfgang Rehm. For Instrument. Neue Mozart-Ausgabe. Serie X, Werkgruppe 29/2. Kla…
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| Sechs Sonaten f!r Klavier (Cembalo) und Violine [Score and Parts] Barenreiter
Jugendsonaten Heft 3, KV 26-31. Urtext der Neuen Mozart-Ausgabe. By Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Edited by Reeser, Eduard. For Violin, Piano/ Harpsichord. Playing Score; Single Part; Urtext Edition (paperbound). Published by Baerenreiter-Ausgaben (German import).
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