| 1. Swinging the Triplets.
Composed by Al Miller, audio
demos by Terry Branam, and
video demos by Matt Miller.
Percussion - Miscellaneous
Educational Books and
Manuals; Play-Along. Book;
Digital Download. Alfred
Music #00-49305. Published by
Alfred Music Arr : DrumsPublisher : Alfred Publishing$14.99 - See more - Buy online ISBN 9781470644697. English.
This is a new version of the classic book, Al Miller's 1,000 Solos for the Drum Set, Vol. 1, from legendary drum teacher Al Miller. The book contains triplet variations to be practiced as fills around the drums as well as with limb independence in a jazz style (snare drum, bass drum, and combined). Each of the 10 routines are demonstrated in video files by Matt Miller, who has restored his father's books series. Terry Branam provides audio tracks that also demonstrate various examples from the book. |