By Peter Pongracz. By Joseph Sellner. EMB Music Lesson - Exercises, Studies. Studies & Exercises. Book Only. Composed 1981. 36 pages. Editio Musica Budapest #EMBZ12002. Published by Editio Musica Budapest (BT.EMBZ12002).
'Joseph Sellner (1787-1843) was a famous oboe player of his time. In 1825, Sellner published an oboe tutor in three volumes entitled Theoretisch-Praktische Oboen-Schule. Despite the fact that the instrument has undergone considerable changes and improvements since his time, the majority of Sellner's work has still retained its usefulness to this day. His studies provide valuable help for achieving smooth technique and tone-colour, especially at the beginner level. The obsolete two-part exercises and interval studies written for the instrument of his time have been omitted in this volume. The studies have been arranged here, as opposed to the original sequence, accordingto the order of key signatures.' - Péter Pongrácz
Joseph Sellner (1787-1843) war ein berühmter Oboist seiner Zeit und Autor der Theoretisch-Praktischen Oboen-Schule. Obwohl sich das Instrument seither verändert hat, ist der Großteil von Sellners Werk heute noch sehr wertvoll - besonders für Anfänger auf der Oboe. Die Etüden in dieser Ausgabe wurden anders als im Original nach Tonarten geordnet.
Joseph Sellner (1787-1843) était un célèbre hautbo ste allemand, auteur de la méthode Theoretisch-Praktischen Oboen-Schule (Méthode théorique et pratique pour hautbois. Bien que le hautbois ait évolué depuis, la majorité des pièces et études composées par Sellner restent un élément précieux complémentaire toute méthode d'apprentissage du hautbois.
Arr : OboePublisher : EMB (Editio Musica Budapest)$15.95 - See more - Buy online