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20 Studi Melodici

SKU: HL.50491644

Per Clarinetto, Saxofono E Clarinetto Basso. By Leonardo Savina. By Lefevre J. X. MGB. Method. Score Only. Composed 1984. Ricordi #ER2468. Published by Ricordi (HL.50491644).


Arr : Clarinet
Publisher : Ricordi
$15.95 - See more - Buy online
20 Studi Melodici

American Company European Companies
100 Studi Melodici (Melodic Studies)
100 Studi Melodici (Melodic Studies)

Trumpet [Sheet music]
Trumpet Method. By Reginaldo Caffarelli. (Trumpet). Brass Method. Size 9x12 inches. 72 pages. Published by Ricordi.
$19.95 - See more - Buy online
Pre-shipment lead time: 24 hours - In Stock
Howard Hanson: Early Piano Music
Howard Hanson: Early Piano Music
Piano solo [Solo Part]
Carl Fischer
By Howard Hanson. Solo piano. For Piano. Master's Collection. Classical. Solo part. 40 pages. Published by Carl Fischer.
$18.99 - See more - Buy online
Pre-shipment lead time: 1 to 2 weeks
25 Studi melodici e progressivi, Op. 60
25 Studi melodici e progressivi, Op. 60
Guitar Technique. By Matteo Carcassi. Arranged by Guido Margaria. Guitar Method. Size 9x12 inches. 40 pages. Published by Ricordi.
$14.95 - See more - Buy online
Pre-shipment lead time: 24 hours - In Stock
Studi Melodici e Progressivi op. 36
Studi Melodici e Progressivi op. 36
Music Distribution Services

SKU: M7.BMER-278200

Per Violino - Volume I: Studi Speciali. Composed by Jacques-Fereol Mazas. Edited by Renato Zanettovich. Sheet music. Op. 36. MDS (Music Distribution Services) #BMER 278200. Published by MDS (Music Distribution Services) (M7.BMER-278200). <…
$23.95 - See more - Buy online
Pre-shipment lead time: 4 to 6 weeks
Jongleren I
Jongleren I
Voice - Grade 1

SKU: BT.HU-4336-401

Van blad leren zingen voor iedereen. Composed by Silvère van Lieshout. Book Only. Composed 2012. 21 pages. Harmonia #HU 4336-401. Published by Harmonia (BT.HU-4336-401).

ISBN 9789043135450. A4 (210X297) inches. Dutch.


$25.95 - See more - Buy online
Pre-shipment lead time: 2 to 3 weeks
La Genesi Del Fraseggio
La Genesi Del Fraseggio
Sinfonica Jazz


Tecnica e pratica per l'improvvisazione jazz sulla chitarra. Composed by Stefano Micarelli. Studies & Exercises. Book with CD. 160 pages. Sinfonica #SINFJ125. Published by Sinfonica (BT.SINFJ125).

ISBN 9788884002969. Italian.


$18.95 - See more - Buy online
Pre-shipment lead time: 4 to 6 weeks
25 Studi Melodici Progressivi Op.60
25 Studi Melodici Progressivi Op.60
Sinfonica Jazz


Composed by Matteo Carcassi. Studies & Exercises. Book Only. 60 pages. Sinfonica #SINF160. Published by Sinfonica (BT.SINF160).

ISBN 9788884000521. Italian.

Revisione di Bruno Giuffredi.

$15.95 - See more - Buy online
Pre-shipment lead time: 4 to 6 weeks
Hayato Sumino Piano Works
Hayato Sumino Piano Works
Piano solo [Score]
Piano Solo

SKU: YM.GTP01101569

Composed by Hayato Sumino. J-Pop. Score. Yamaha Music Media #GTP01101569. Published by Yamaha Music Media (YM.GTP01101569).

ISBN 9784636112634. 12 x 9 inches.

Introducing the official sheet music collection of Hayato Sumino, currentl…

$18.95 - See more - Buy online
Pre-shipment lead time: 3 to 4 weeks
La scala maggiore sul basso
La scala maggiore sul basso
Bass guitar [Sheet music + Audio access]
Play Music Publishing
Online audio access included with the bookBass Guitar

SKU: BT.MI0418

Composed by Bruno Tazzino. Studies and Exercises. Book with Online Audio. Composed 2020. Play Music Italy #MI0418. Published by Play Music Italy (BT.MI0418).


Con questo metodo, potrete finalmente imparare e soprattutto capire co…

$12.95 - See more - Buy online
Pre-shipment lead time: 2 to 3 weeks
Fare musica insieme N. 1. Musica per strumentario Orff
Fare musica insieme N. 1. Musica per strumentario Orff
Ut Orpheus
Methods and Music for Children


Composed by Gabrielangela Spaggiari. Saddle stitching. Fare Musica. Classical. Ut Orpheus #DM 31. Published by Ut Orpheus (UT.DM-31).

ISBN 9790215305694. 9 x 12 inches.

È ormai un dato acquisito che la pratica de…

$21.95 - See more - Buy online
Pre-shipment lead time: 3 to 4 weeks
La chitarra di Dulcita e Pepito (Livello 1). Metodo progressivo per lo studio della chitarra classica con musiche, letture, curiosità, informazioni e tanti disegni da colorare
La chitarra di Dulcita e Pepito (Livello 1). Metodo progressivo per lo studio della chitarra classica con musiche, letture, curiosità, informazioni e tanti disegni da colorare
Ut Orpheus
Guitar; Methods and Music for Children


Composed by Adriana Tessier. Paperback (Soft Cover). Ciao Chitarra!!! Classical. Ut Orpheus #DM 51. Published by Ut Orpheus (UT.DM-51).

ISBN 9790215315433. 9 x 12 inches.

Intento di questo volume, il primo della…

$21.95 - See more - Buy online
Pre-shipment lead time: 3 to 4 weeks
La mia musica per chitarra. Guitar Method for Children
La mia musica per chitarra. Guitar Method for Children
Ut Orpheus
Methods and Music for Children; Guitar


Composed by Marina Valli. Saddle stitching. Classical. Ut Orpheus #DM 24. Published by Ut Orpheus (UT.DM-24).

ISBN 9790215304383. 9 x 12 inches.

«Come è possibile conciliare il divertimento con l?apprendimento? …

$21.95 - See more - Buy online
Pre-shipment lead time: 3 to 4 weeks
5 Golpes de Arco Fundamentales
5 Golpes de Arco Fundamentales
Editorial de Musica Boileau
String quintet

SKU: BO.B.2917

Composed by Jordi Cervello. Instrumental Sets. Duration 14:15. Published by Editorial de Musica Boileau (BO.B.2917).

ISBN 9788480200493.

English comments:
Cinc cops d'arc fonamentals is a work inspired in the five bow knocks whic…

$44.95 - See more - Buy online
Pre-shipment lead time: 4 to 6 weeks
Raccolta Di Danze
Raccolta Di Danze
Sinfonica Jazz
3 Guitars, Flute and Percussion ad lib.


Composed by Salvatore Enrico Failla. Book Only. 22 pages. Sinfonica #SINF017. Published by Sinfonica (BT.SINF017).

ISBN 9788884000514.

Per 2, 3 chitarre o flauti (vl-ob) e strumenti a percussione ad libitum. …

$9.95 - See more - Buy online
Pre-shipment lead time: 4 to 6 weeks
20 Studi progressivi e melodici
20 Studi progressivi e melodici

SKU: CU.EC10869

Di media difficolta. Composed by Paul Jeanjean. Published by Edizioni Curci (CU.EC10869).

ISBN 9790215904453.

$20.95 - See more - Buy online
Pre-shipment lead time: 4 to 6 weeks
Melodische etuden
Melodische etuden
SATB, Orchestra

SKU: CU.RE00093

Studi melodici per violino in seconda e terza posizione - Volume 2. Composed by Ramin Entezami. Published by Edizioni Curci (CU.RE00093).

ISBN 9790013000937.

$23.95 - See more - Buy online
Pre-shipment lead time: 4 to 6 weeks
20 Studi melodici
20 Studi melodici

SKU: CU.EC4524

Dal Metodo per clarinetto. Composed by Gaetano Labanchi. Published by Edizioni Curci (CU.EC4524).

$17.95 - See more - Buy online
Pre-shipment lead time: 4 to 6 weeks
Venticinque studi melodici progressivi op. 60 per chitarra
Venticinque studi melodici progressivi op. 60 per chitarra
Classical guitar

SKU: CU.EC11866

Composed by Matteo Carcassi, Giovanni Podera, Giulio Tampalini. Maestri della chitarra. Published by Edizioni Curci (CU.EC11866).

ISBN 9790215905863.

$21.95 - See more - Buy online
Pre-shipment lead time: 4 to 6 weeks
Melodische etuden
Melodische etuden
SATB, Orchestra

SKU: CU.RE00074

Studi melodici per violino in prima posizione - Volume 1. Composed by Ramin Entezami. Published by Edizioni Curci (CU.RE00074).

ISBN 9790013000746.

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Pre-shipment lead time: 4 to 6 weeks
Corso graduale e metodico per lo studio del dettato ritmico e melodico
Corso graduale e metodico per lo studio del dettato ritmico e melodico
Music theory

SKU: CU.EC5080

Composed by Marino Beraldi. Published by Edizioni Curci (CU.EC5080).

ISBN 9790215906945.

$17.95 - See more - Buy online
Pre-shipment lead time: 4 to 6 weeks
50 Studietti melodici e progressivi per violino op. 22
50 Studietti melodici e progressivi per violino op. 22
SATB, Orchestra

SKU: CU.EC4010

Da adoperarsi come supplemento a qualunque metodo elementare. Composed by Alberto Curci. Published by Edizioni Curci (CU.EC4010).

ISBN 9790215902831.

$19.95 - See more - Buy online
Pre-shipment lead time: 4 to 6 weeks
24 Studi melodici
24 Studi melodici
Double Bass
Double bass

SKU: CU.EC7308

Composed by Guido Gallignani. Published by Edizioni Curci (CU.EC7308).

$21.95 - See more - Buy online
Pre-shipment lead time: 4 to 6 weeks
25 Studi Melodici Progressivi op.60
25 Studi Melodici Progressivi op.60
Classical guitar


Composed by Matteo Carcassi. Fingerpicking - Classica. Published by Edizioni Curci (CU.FCL0002).

ISBN 9788890827112.

$30.95 - See more - Buy online
Pre-shipment lead time: 4 to 6 weeks
20 Studi progressivi e melodici
20 Studi progressivi e melodici

SKU: CU.EC10832

Di facile esecuzione. Composed by Paul Jeanjean. Published by Edizioni Curci (CU.EC10832).

ISBN 9790215902145.

$20.95 - See more - Buy online
Pre-shipment lead time: 4 to 6 weeks
Melodische etuden
Melodische etuden
SATB, Orchestra

SKU: CU.RE00096

Studi melodici per violino in quarta posizione - Volume 3. Composed by Ramin Entezami. Published by Edizioni Curci (CU.RE00096).

ISBN 9790013000968.

$25.95 - See more - Buy online
Pre-shipment lead time: 4 to 6 weeks
50 Studietti melodici e progressivi
50 Studietti melodici e progressivi

SKU: CU.EC10874

Composed by Alberto Curci. Published by Edizioni Curci (CU.EC10874).

$20.95 - See more - Buy online
Pre-shipment lead time: 4 to 6 weeks
25 Studi melodici e progressivi op. 60
25 Studi melodici e progressivi op. 60
Classical guitar

SKU: CU.EC11284

Composed by Matteo Carcassi. Published by Edizioni Curci (CU.EC11284).

ISBN 9790215906556.

$20.95 - See more - Buy online
Pre-shipment lead time: 4 to 6 weeks
20 Studi melodici e progressivi
20 Studi melodici e progressivi

SKU: CU.EC11817

Complementari al metodo pratico. Composed by Carlo Munier. Collezione Maurri. Published by Edizioni Curci (CU.EC11817).

ISBN 9790215905146.

$20.95 - See more - Buy online
Pre-shipment lead time: 4 to 6 weeks

Chitarrista classico autodidatta - Antologia
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Chitarrista classico autodidatta - Antologia
! Seller in french langage only !
Guitar [Sheet music]
50 studi e brani di livello intermedio - antologia intermedia. Par . Cette anthologie offre une riche sélection de titres appartenant au répertoire incontournable pour la formation du guitariste. Le choix des pièces couvre cinq si…
25.00 EUR - from LMI-partitions
Pre-shipment lead time: 3-10 days - In Stock Supplier
Chitarrista classico autodidatta-Antologia
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Chitarrista classico autodidatta-Antologia
! Seller in french langage only !
Classical guitar [Sheet music]
51 studi e brani facili. Par . Cette anthologie offre une riche sélection de titres appartenant au répertoire incontournable pour la formation du guitariste. Le choix des pièces couvre cinq siècles d?histoire de l?instrument (de l…
25.00 EUR - from LMI-partitions
Pre-shipment lead time: 3-10 days - In Stock Supplier
+ Details
Classical guitar
Cette anthologie offre une riche sélection de titres appartenant au répertoire incontournable pour la formation du guitariste. Le choix des pièces couvre cinq siècles d?histoire de l?instrument (de la Renaissance au XXe siècle), o…
21.99 EUR - from Woodbrass
Pre-shipment lead time: 24 hours - In Stock
25 Studi Melodici E Progressivi Op. 60
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25 Studi Melodici E Progressivi Op. 60
! Seller in french langage only !
Seule partition au monde à porter le numéro ISBN 9790041827353 cette partition dont le titre est 25 STUDI MELODICI E PROGRESSIVI OP 60 PER CHITARRA comporte des morceaux regroupés et composés par le compositeur Carcassi Matteo.Son…
19.50 EUR - from LMI-partitions
Pre-shipment lead time: 3-10 days - In Stock Supplier
Studi Melodici
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Studi Melodici
! Seller in french langage only !
Leduc, Alphonse
La référence AL20474 de l'éditeur Leduc dont l'auteur célèbre est Orefici A. , qui a pour titre Studi Melodici, a été écrite et composée pour Basson Cette partition musicale appartient à la catégorie Pédagogie. / Basson / Partitio…
31.50 EUR - from LMI-partitions
Pre-shipment lead time: 3-10 days - In Stock Supplier
Studi Melodici Progr.Op.36 Vol.1 (MAZAS GIACOMO F)
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Studi Melodici Progr.Op.36 Vol.1 (MAZAS GIACOMO F)
! Seller in french langage only !
Violin [Sheet music]
Fascicolo 1, Studi speciali. Par MAZAS GIACOMO F.. Classical / Pédagogie / Etude / Violon
25.00 EUR - from LMI-partitions
Pre-shipment lead time: 3-10 days - In Stock Supplier
20 Studi Progress.Melod.Medi (JEANJEAN PAUL)
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20 Studi Progress.Melod.Medi (JEANJEAN PAUL)
! Seller in french langage only !
Clarinet [Sheet music]
20 Studi Progressivi Melodici Di Media Difficolta'. Par JEANJEAN PAUL. / Études et exercices / Etude / Clarinette
20.40 EUR - from LMI-partitions
Pre-shipment lead time: 3-10 days - In Stock Supplier
Corso Professionale Di Chitarra Jazz/Pop Vol. 2 (MARIANI FABIO)
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Corso Professionale Di Chitarra Jazz/Pop Vol. 2 (MARIANI FABIO)
! Seller in french langage only !
Volonte and Co
Livello Intermedio - Studi Melodici e Armonici. Par MARIANI FABIO. / Etude / Guitare
26.60 EUR - from LMI-partitions
Pre-shipment lead time: 3-10 days - In Stock Supplier
25 Studi Melodici Prog. Op. 60 (CARCASSI MATTEO)
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25 Studi Melodici Prog. Op. 60 (CARCASSI MATTEO)
! Seller in french langage only !
Guitar [Sheet music]
Sinfonica Jazz
Par CARCASSI MATTEO. SINS0160/ Recueil / Guitare
16.80 EUR - from LMI-partitions
Pre-shipment lead time: 3-10 days - In Stock Supplier
15 Leichte, Melodisch - Harmonische Etuden Für Violoncello Mit Begleitung Eines Zweiten Violoncellos - Ad Libitum Zehn Mittelschwere Große Etuden Für Violoncello Solo (POPPER DAVID)
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2 sellers
15 Leichte, Melodisch - Harmonische Etuden Für Violoncello Mit Begleitung Eines Zweiten Violoncellos - Ad Libitum Zehn Mittelschwere Große Etuden Für Violoncello Solo (POPPER DAVID)
! Seller in french langage only !
2 Cellos (duet)
and 10 Grand Etudes of Moderate Difficulty Op. 76. Par POPPER DAVID. These two new editions (BA 6978 BA 6979) of David Popper's cello studies are the first modern publications of these standard compositions. The Austrian born Popp…
35.30 EUR - from LMI-partitions
Pre-shipment lead time: 24 hours - In Stock
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Real Modern Guitar Volume 1 (GALARDINI RICCARDO)
! Seller in french langage only !
Guitar [Sheet music + CD]
Volonte and Co
Par GALARDINI RICCARDO. Un metodo che fornisce un'ampia scelta di materiali melodici, armonici e ritmici altamente formativi per tutti i chitarristi, specialmente per coloro che sono impegnati in Corsi accademici nei Conservatori.…
24.20 EUR - from LMI-partitions
Pre-shipment lead time: 3-10 days - In Stock Supplier
Studi Melodici E Progressivi Op. 36 Vol.II : Studi Brillanti
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Studi Melodici E Progressivi Op. 36 Vol.II : Studi Brillanti
! Seller in french langage only !
/ Violon
25.00 EUR - from LMI-partitions
Pre-shipment lead time: 3-10 days - In Stock Supplier
Studi Melodici E Progressivi Op. 36. Vol.I : Studi Speciali
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Studi Melodici E Progressivi Op. 36. Vol.I : Studi Speciali
! Seller in french langage only !
/ Violon
22.80 EUR - from LMI-partitions
Pre-shipment lead time: 3-10 days - In Stock Supplier
Raccolta Di Danze X La Musica (FAILLA SALVATORE)
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Raccolta Di Danze X La Musica (FAILLA SALVATORE)
! Seller in french langage only !
Ensemble [Sheet music]
Sinfonica Jazz
Par FAILLA SALVATORE. Per 2, 3 chitarre o flauti (violino, oboe) e strumenti a percussione ad libitum.Seconda edizione, riveduta e ampliata. 11 brani tratti dalla letteratura Barocca, Classica e Latino-Americana. Questa raccolta d…
10.10 EUR - from LMI-partitions
Pre-shipment lead time: 3-10 days - In Stock Supplier
20 Studi Melodici
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20 Studi Melodici
! Seller in french langage only !
/ Clarinette
19.50 EUR - from LMI-partitions
Pre-shipment lead time: 3-10 days - In Stock Supplier
Studi Melodici Vol.II
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Studi Melodici Vol.II
! Seller in french langage only !
/ Guitare / Méthode Et Etudes
34.20 EUR - from LMI-partitions
Pre-shipment lead time: 3-10 days - In Stock Supplier
25 Studi Melodici Op. 60 (CARCASSI MATTEO / CHIESA)
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25 Studi Melodici Op. 60 (CARCASSI MATTEO / CHIESA)
! Seller in french langage only !
Guitar [Sheet music]
Suvini Zerboni
Par CARCASSI MATTEO / CHIESA. Italian / Études et exercices / Etude / Guitare
28.20 EUR - from LMI-partitions
Pre-shipment lead time: 3-10 days - In Stock Supplier
Studi Melodici Vol.I
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Studi Melodici Vol.I
! Seller in french langage only !
/ Guitare / Méthode Et Etudes
27.10 EUR - from LMI-partitions
Pre-shipment lead time: 3-10 days - In Stock Supplier
25 Studi Melodici Op. 45 (HELLER STEPHEN)
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25 Studi Melodici Op. 45 (HELLER STEPHEN)
! Seller in french langage only !
Piano solo [Sheet music]
Par HELLER STEPHEN. Classical / Pédagogie / Etude / Piano
18.50 EUR - from LMI-partitions
Pre-shipment lead time: 3-10 days - In Stock Supplier
100 Studi Melodici Per Il Trasporto Nella Tromba E Congeneri
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100 Studi Melodici Per Il Trasporto Nella Tromba E Congeneri
! Seller in french langage only !
/ Trompette
27.10 EUR - from LMI-partitions
Pre-shipment lead time: 3-10 days - In Stock Supplier
36 Studi Melodici E Facilissimi Op. 84
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36 Studi Melodici E Facilissimi Op. 84
! Seller in french langage only !
/ Violon
18.50 EUR - from LMI-partitions
Pre-shipment lead time: 24 hours - In Stock
+ Details
13 Studi Melodici Per Trbn. Tenore A Coulisse
! Seller in french langage only !
Trombone Ou Tuba
/ Trombone Ou Tuba
17.40 EUR - from LMI-partitions
Pre-shipment lead time: 3-10 days - In Stock Supplier
25 Studi Melodici Op. 60 (CARCASSI MATTEO)
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25 Studi Melodici Op. 60 (CARCASSI MATTEO)
! Seller in french langage only !
Guitar [Sheet music]
Berben Edizioni Musicali
Par CARCASSI MATTEO. / Répertoire / Guitare
15.80 EUR - from LMI-partitions
Pre-shipment lead time: 3-10 days - In Stock Supplier
10 Studi Melodici (MORLEO LUIGI)
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10 Studi Melodici (MORLEO LUIGI)
! Seller in french langage only !
4 Timbales [Sheet music]
Alfonce Production
Per 4 Timpani. Par MORLEO LUIGI. 10 Charmantes Petites Pieces Pour 4 Timbales / Niveau : Elémentaire / Etude / 4 Timbales
17.00 EUR - from LMI-partitions
Pre-shipment lead time: 3-10 days - In Stock Supplier
100 Operetta
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100 Operetta
! Seller in french langage only !
C Instruments
Professional Books Series. 100 arie e melodie di Operette per strumenti in Do (Linea melodica con accordi). Professional Books series. / Opéra-opérette / Recueil / Instruments en Do
38.00 EUR - from LMI-partitions
Pre-shipment lead time: 3-10 days - In Stock Supplier
40 Studietti Melodici Per Pianoforte A 4 Mani Ad Uso Dei Principianti
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40 Studietti Melodici Per Pianoforte A 4 Mani Ad Uso Dei Principianti
! Seller in french langage only !
1 Piano, 4 hands
/ Piano 4 Mains
18.50 EUR - from LMI-partitions
Pre-shipment lead time: 3-10 days - In Stock Supplier
50 Studietti Melodici Progress (CURCI ALBERTO)
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50 Studietti Melodici Progress (CURCI ALBERTO)
! Seller in french langage only !
Violin [Sheet music]
Par CURCI ALBERTO. / Études et exercices / Etude / Violon
19.00 EUR - from LMI-partitions
Pre-shipment lead time: 3-10 days - In Stock Supplier
40 Studietti Melodici Per Piccole Mani Senza Ottave Op. 43
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40 Studietti Melodici Per Piccole Mani Senza Ottave Op. 43
! Seller in french langage only !
Piano solo
/ Piano
18.50 EUR - from LMI-partitions
Pre-shipment lead time: 3-10 days - In Stock Supplier
Studi Melodico Ritmici
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2 sellers
Studi Melodico Ritmici
! Seller in french langage only !
Volonte and Co
/ Guitare
19.30 EUR - from LMI-partitions
Pre-shipment lead time: 3-10 days - In Stock Supplier
Imparare Ch Jazz Impro E Arpeg
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Imparare Ch Jazz Impro E Arpeg
! Seller in french langage only !
Playgame Music
Questo DVD svela, attraverso l'utilizzo di particolari arpeggi a 5 note, come raggiungere la padronanza melodica degli accordi, per improvvisare sulle sequenze armoniche del jazz. Questa tecnica, tanto efficace quanto poco conosci…
28.70 EUR - from LMI-partitions
Pre-shipment lead time: 3-10 days - In Stock Supplier

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