| SKU: CA.5021900 Composed by Josef Gabriel Rheinberger. Edited by Barbara Mohn. This edition: Complete edition, linen cover. Josef Gabriel Rheinberger - Complete Works. German title: Weltliche Chormusik I. Gleiche Sti. Lieder for choir, Secular choral music, New year. Full score (complete edition / selected edition). 264 pages. Carus Verlag #CV 50.219/00. Published by Carus Verlag (CA.5021900). ISBN 9790007087364. Rheinberger's popularity during his lifetime was based, for the most part, on his secular choral music. His cycles for men's and women's choir, most of which were commissioned works, are contained in two volumes of the Complete Edition (vols. 19 and 20). Among this music there are humorous songs and drinking songs, idyllic settings of texts drawn from nature, and songs in a folk-like idiom which are light and easily performable, as well as several more ambitious compositions which were written for choral competitions in Rheinberger's day. Publisher : Carus Verlag$242.95 - See more - Buy online Song List:
Neujahrsgebet, Op. 85 no. 1 - Es-Dur/Eb major
Im Marzen, Op. 85 no. 4 - Es-Dur/Eb major
Mailied, Op. 48 no. 4 - F-Dur/F major
Waldmorgen, Op. 90 no. 1 - G-Dur/G major
Ein Bild am Pfade, Op. 131 no. 1 - F-Dur/F major
Die alte Tanne, Op. 131 no. 2 - a-Moll/A minor
Der Gebirgsbach, Op. 131 no. 3 - D-Dur/D major
Im Erdenraum, Op. 131 no. 4 - As-Dur/Ab major
Marchenzauber, Op. 131 no. 5
Gute Nacht, Op. 131 no. 6 (Good night) - E-Dur/E major
Jung Werner, Op. 44 no. 1 - E-Dur/E major
Alt Heidelberg, Op. 44 no. 2 - a-Moll/A minor
Tragische Geschichte, Op. 44 no. 3 - e-Moll/E minor
Schlachtgebet, Op. 48 no. 1 - Es-Dur/Eb major
Heerbannlied, Op. 48 no. 2 - C-Dur/C major
Einem Toten, Op. 48 no. 3 - E-Dur/E major
Ein fataler Casus, Op. 73 no. 1 - e-Moll/E minor
Leb wohl, du hohe Bergeswand, Op. 73 no. 2 - E-Dur/E major
Zaunstudien, Op. 73 no. 3 - e-Moll/E minor
Siegesfeier, Op. 73 no. 4 - G-Dur/G major
Vaterlandischer Gesang, Op. 73 no. 5 - C-Dur/C major
Der Jonas kehrt im Walfisch ein, Op. 74 no. 1 - C-Dur/C major
Schmetterling, wie freu ich mich, Op. 74 no. 2 - G-Dur/G major
Bau-Regel, Op. 74 no. 3 - b-Moll/B-flat minor
Mucker und Schlucker, Op. 74 no. 4 - B-Dur/B-flat major
Lob des Seeweins, Op. 74 no. 5 - E-Dur/E major
Kunstlergruss an die Frauen, Op. 85 no. 2 - A-Dur/A major
Wandernde Musikanten, Op. 85 no. 3 - d-Moll/D minor
Fruhlingslied, Op. 85 no. 5 - F-Dur/F major
Es ritten drei Reiter von Rothenthal, Op. 85 no. 6 - g-Moll/G minor
Der kluge Kufergeselle, Op. 85 no. 7 - G-Dur/G major
Nero, Op. 86 no. 1 - f-Moll/F minor
Rolands Horn, Op. 86 no. 2 - D-Dur/D major
Salentin von Isenburg, Op. 86 no. 3 - A-Dur/A major
Der Schelm von Bergen, Op. 86 no. 4 - d-Moll/D minor
Die verfallene Muhle, Op. 90 no. 2 - C-Dur/C major
Rheinfahrt, Op. 90 no. 3 - G-Dur/G major
Der Lebensmude, Op. 90 no. 4 - F-Dur/F major
Abendlauten, Op. 90 no. 5 - A-Dur/A major
Abschied von Heim, Op. 100 no. 1 - G-Dur/G major
Einkehr, Op. 100 no. 2 - c-Moll/C minor
Disputation, Op. 100 no. 3 - C-Dur/C major
Venetianische Nacht, Op. 100 no. 4 - E-Dur/E major
Heimweh, Op. 100 no. 5 - F-Dur/F major
Herausforderung (Trutzlied), Op. 100 no. 6 - h-Moll/B minor
Grabgesang, Op. 100 no. 7 - C-Dur/C major
Abschied, Op. 90 no. 6 - As-Dur/Ab major