Piano Solo
Composed by Louis Anthony deLise. Keyboards - Piano. Metropolis Music Publishers #PN7495EM. Published by Metropolis Music Publishers (IS.PN7495EM).
ISBN 9790365074952.
Louis Anthony deLise is an American composer, pianist, and percussionist. The compositions in A Gift of Moments are typical of deLise’s composing style that often features the juxtaposition of disparate musical elements like serial technique, frequently changing meters, the urgency and drive of rock and roll, and the lush harmonies of 1960’s West Coast Jazz. Dr. deLise was Adjunct Lecturer of Theory and Composition at the Boyer College of Music and Dance (in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania). He is the author of The Professional Songwriter, a textbook on songwriting. The title, A Gift of Moments, comes from something a friend wrote about her deceased husband. She described their too-short time together as, a gift of moments. (Time with someone you love is always too short, isn’t it?) Since February 2020, (since I’ve been locked down at home with my patient and loving wife, Theresa), like the rest of us, I’ve been reminded each day of just how delicate life is. My friend’s comment about her lost love has gradually revealed itself as a worthy title for the collection of music I was creating during this time of lockdown. All of the pieces in this collection are in some way about love: of a mate, of family, our way of life, and those beliefs we consider particular to us. The compositions are varied in style as they encompass musical gestures reflective of the many disparate musical traditions alive in my soul. With this unapologetically sensitive, perhaps even nostalgic, music of mine I intend to blur the arbitrary boundaries of genre classification, like classical or pop; ambient or orchestral. Special thanks to Vivian Barton Dozor, a wonderfully talented cellist who provided insight into bowing and phrasing for the cello parts.
Arr : Piano soloPublisher : Metropolis Music Publishers$28.00 - See more - Buy online