Piano - early intermediate
SKU: CR.977832
Composed by Concordia Publishing House. Piano. Performance score. With music. Concordia Publishing House #977832. Published by Concordia Publishing House (CR.977832).
ISBN 9780758662187. 9 x 12 inches.
Following the successful Hymn Prelude Library series for organ comes a comprehensive set of piano preludes for all the hymn tunes in Lutheran Service Book. Not an adaptation of the organ series, this collection features newly composed pieces by dozens of composers who write in a variety of styles and harmonizations. The pieces are useful as preludes, postludes, music at the offering, for introductions, and during distribution, as well as for those who play hymns at home. The durable wire binding ensures that each page lies flat against the music stand.
The complete library will include 12 volumes organized alphabetically by hymn tune. Volume 1 contains preludes for tunes starting with the letter A.
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About the Editor
Kevin Hildebrand is Kantor at Concordia Theological Seminary in Fort Wayne, Indiana. He has more than 75 music titles in print with CPH and was the editor of the Hymn Prelude Library.