SKU: HL.14022440
Composed by Eva Fock. Music Sales America. Theory. Book [Softcover]. Composed 2005. 179 pages. Edition Wilhelm Hansen #WH30540. Published by Edition Wilhelm Hansen (HL.14022440).
ISBN 9788759811320. Danish.
'The music around us' (Book) - This book aims to provide music teachers with a basic knowledge of music from Turkey, Pakistan and Morocco. These three countries represent each one corner of the North Africa-Middle East-West Asian region, which is next door to Europe and with which we have long historical relationships. Moreover, all three represent significant music historical tradition, at the same time related, while clearly different from each other. This justifies these musical culture's placement in Danish music education. In addition all three countries have supplied Denmark with immigrants from 1960 onwards. In this context, the book therefore also makes musicteachers able to teach music in relation to the three immigrant groups. At the same time the book hopefully makes teachers able to insert the music that immigrants from those countries are carrying with them, the music the young people with that background are listening to, and what teachers may experience themselves in these countries, into a broader perspective. Therefore the book is not only about the small musical universe that migrants and migrant youth actually are engaged in in this country. The Danish conditions only play a minor role. This choice should be seen as an attempt to challenge the very unfortunate tendency in the Danish public wherethe immigrants are made ??the primary reason to engage other cultures in our (music) education. It is unfortunate because there are many other and far more important reasons to expand the musical horizons. The resident migrants from the three countries often give a very one-sided and narrow view of the (music) culture in their countries of origin. This is mainly because of the immigrant's backgrounds, both geographically and socially. In order to increase understanding and respect for other parts of the world, it is important that we all understand that the culture of these countries, including the music, is part of a long historical development and part of a varied mosaic of contemporary trends.
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