SKU: GI.G-012607
Composed by Rafael Moreno. Children. Sacred. GIA Publications #012607. Published by GIA Publications (GI.G-012607).
¡Catequesis musicalizada! Todo este álbum es una extraordinaria caja de herramientas para las familias y catequistas hispanohablantes que facilitan educar a los niños en la fe católica. Contiene siete cantos originales (una para cada Sacramento), además hay tres canciones para esos ritos. Cada canto presenta una explicación divertida, cautivadora y teológicamente fundada de los sacramentos, además son niños quienes los cantan. Musicalized catechesis! This entire album is a wonderful toolkit for Spanish-speaking catechists and families to educate children about the Catholic faith. Features are seven original songs (one for each of the sacraments), plus three general songs about these rites. Each song presents a fun, engaging, and theologically-grounded explanation of the sacraments while being performed in children's voices.
Publisher : GIA Publications$10.00 - See more - Buy online