Trumpet - intermediate
SKU: HL.44011855
Composed by Erik Veldkamp. Arranged by Erik Veldkamp. De Haske Play-Along Book. Funk, Gospel, Jazz, RandB, Rock. Softcover with CD. Composed 2008. 24 pages. De Haske Publications #1084480400. Published by De Haske Publications (HL.44011855).
ISBN 9789043129923. UPC: 884088949945. 9x12 inches. English-German-French-Dutch.
Play 'em Right! is the ultimate series for wind players who want to learn popular music styles in a practical and exciting way. In Play 'em Right! - More Play-Along you will find thirteen amazing pop and jazz pieces: join in with RandB from the sixties, boogaloo, funk, gospel, jive, rock-shuffle, swing, latin and modern RandB. On the enclosed CD all thirteen can be found (demo play-along) - played 'live' by a professional combo. There's plenty to discover in Play 'em Right! - More Play-Along!
Play 'em Right! is de serie voor blazers die op een praktische en boeiende manier lichtemuziekstijlen willen leren. In Play 'em Right! - More Play-Along! vind je tien geweldige pop- en jazzstukken: speel mee met RandBuit de jaren zestig, boogaloo, funk, gospel, jive, rock-shuffle, swing, latin en moderne RandB. Op de bijgevoegde cd staan ze alle 13 (demo play-along) - 'live' ingespeeld door een professioneel combo. Er valt genoeg te ontdekkenin Play 'em Right! - More Play-Along!
Play 'em Right! ist die ultimative Reihe fur Blaser, die auf praktische und spannende Weise Popmusikstile lernen mochten. In Play 'em Right! - More Play-along ist dies gleich mit 13 unglaublichen Jazz- und Popstucken moglich: RandB aus den Sechzigern, Boogaloo, Funk, Gospel, Jive, Rock-shuffle, Swing, Latin und moderner RandB. Auf der beiliegenden CD sind alle 13 Stucke zu finden (als Demo- und als Play-Along-Version) - live eingespielt von einer professionellen Combo. Es gibt viel zu entdecken in Play 'em Right! - More Play-along!
Play 'em Right! est la collection incontournable que tout instrumentiste a vent se doit de posseder s'il souhaite se familiariser avec les styles de la musique pop, de facon simple, efficace et plaisante. Play 'em Right! - More Play-Along! reunit treize superbes morceaux pop et jazz dans des styles aussi divers que varies allant du RandB des annees 60 au RandB moderne en passant par le boogaloo, le funk, le gospel, le jive, le rock-shuffle, le swing et les musiques latines. Sur le compact disc inclus, vous trouverez une version de demonstration et une version play-along de chaque piece. L'accompagnement a ete confie a un combo professionnel. Play 'em Right! - MorePlay-Along! : une aventure musicale !
Una pubblicazione che rappresenta una sfida per tutti gli strumentisti con all'attivo alcuni anni d'esperienza. Play'em Right - More Play Along copre una vasta paletta di stili musicali consentendo, grazie ad introduzioni sui vari generi ed esercizi tecnici, di avere un approccio efficace e gratificante. I 10 brani proposti spaziano dal pop al jazz, passando per il funk, il gospel, il rock-shuffle, lo swing e la musica latina. Molta importanza e data alla creativita, all'interpretazione e alla musicalita. Il CD incluso e un prezioso aiuto per l'acquisizione delle tecniche.
Arr : TrumpetPublisher : De Haske Publications
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