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Concert Band/Harmonie - Grade 3

SKU: BT.DHP-1094655-010

The Jolly Robbers. Composed by Franz von Suppe. Arranged by Wil van der Beek. Great Classics. Transcription. Set (Score & Parts). Composed 2008. De Haske Publications #DHP 1094655-010. Published by De Haske Publications (BT.DHP-1094655-010).

9x12 inches. English-German-French-Dutch.

In his comic opera Banditenstreiche, Suppé uses all the qualities that have made him so well-loved by a wide audience. The appealing music is brimming with unexpected ideas and written in a light and fluent style. There’s much to enjoy with elegant arias and ensembles, pure Viennese waltzes and attractive ballet music. The arrangement of the overture contains many highlights from this opera and makes a superb light item for any concert.

Franz von Suppé (1819-1895) behoort tot de belangrijkste vertegenwoordigers van de klassieke Weense operette. In de komische opera Banditenstreiche haalt Suppé alle kwaliteiten uit de kast die hem zo geliefd maakten bij hetgrote publiek: de aanstekelijke muziek is doorspekt met onverwachte invallen en in een lichte en vloeiende stijl geschreven. Er valt veel te genieten met elegante aria’s en ensembles, onvervalste Weense walsen en aantrekkelijke balletmuziek.De ouverture bevat enkele hoogtepunten uit deze opera, die vaak ten onrechte een operette wordt genoemd.

Franz von Suppé prägte nachhaltig die klassische Wiener Operette. In seiner komischen Oper Banditenstreiche zog Suppé alle kompositorischen Register, die ihn bei einem so breiten Publikum beliebt gemacht haben: reizvolle Melodien, überraschende Ideen, ein leichter, flüssiger Stil und elegante Arien sind nur einige der charakteristischen Merkmale. Die Transkription der Ouvertüre für Blasorchester enthält einige Höhepunkte der Oper.

Né d’un père belge et d’une mère autrichienne, Franz von Suppé (1819-1895) révèle un évident talent de musicien dès son plus jeune ge. Plus tard, il parfait ses connaissances musicales Vienne, où il résidera jusqu’ sa mort. Suppé a consacré sa vie la composition et bien qu'il ait écrit plus de deux cents œuvres, dont de nombreuses opérettes telles que La belle Galatée, Fatinitza et Boccaccio, il reste connu principalement pour ses ouvertures dont certaines bénéficient toujours d'une grande notoriété comme Cavalerie légère, La Dame de pique, Matin, midi et soir Vienne ou encore Poète et paysan. Franz von Suppé fut avec Johann Strauss etKarl Millöcker un des plus éminents représentants de l’ ge d’or de l’opérette classique viennoise.Dans sa version originale, l’opéra-comique Banditenstreiche (1867, Les joyeux bandits) était une œuvre courte en un acte, mais la version de Suppé fut modifiée deux reprises, en 1940 et 1955. D’une composition sans grande prétention, elle devint alors une œuvre d’envergure. En puisant dans le répertoire existant de Suppé, les « arrangeurs » réunirent six pièces originales pour en faire une partition solide et complète. Le résultat final est parfaitement équilibré.Banditenstreiche rassemble tous les traits caractéristiques de Suppé qui ont conquis un large public : une musique originale foisonnant d’idées inattendues ; un style fluide et léger. On y trouve des airs et des passages d’ensemble élégants, quelques authentiques valses viennoises et de belles pages de musique de scène. L’ouverture constitue une synthèse des meilleurs moments de l’opéra, très souvent qualifié tort, d’opérette.

Arr : Concert band
Publisher : De Haske Publications

$176.95 - See more - Buy online

American Company European Companies
Concert band [Score]
De Haske Publications
Concert Band/Harmonie - Grade 3

SKU: BT.DHP-1094655-140

The Jolly Robbers. Composed by Franz von Suppe. Arranged by Wil van der Beek. Great Classics. Transcription. Score Only. Composed 2008. 40 pages. De Haske Publications #DHP 1094655-140. Published by De Haske Pu…

$34.95 - See more - Buy online
Pre-shipment lead time: 2 to 3 weeks
Jolly Robbers (Banditenstreiche) Overture
Jolly Robbers (Banditenstreiche) Overture
Soli, Mixted choir and accompaniment [Score]
Lucks Music Library

SKU: TM.06835SC

Composed by Franz von Suppe. Score. Published by Lucks Music Library (TM.06835SC).

Gtr & Voice appear in SC, do not need. Transposed: CL 1&2, HN 3&4, TPT 1&2, TBN 1&2, (HN 1&2 orig. in F).

$30.00 - See more - Buy online
Pre-shipment lead time: 2 to 3 weeks
Jolly Robbers (Banditenstreiche) Overture
Jolly Robbers (Banditenstreiche) Overture
Soli, Mixted choir and accompaniment
Lucks Music Library

SKU: TM.06835SET

Composed by Franz von Suppe. Set Type: D. Set of parts. Published by Lucks Music Library (TM.06835SET).

Gtr & Voice appear in SC, do not need. Transposed: CL 1&2, HN 3&4, TPT 1&2, TBN 1&2, (HN 1&2 ori…

$105.00 - See more - Buy online
Pre-shipment lead time: 2 to 3 weeks
Music Distribution Services
Bandoneon - difficult

SKU: M7.AV-402-01

Ouvertüre. Composed by Franz von Suppe. Arranged by Gustav Kanter. Sheet music. 4 pages. MDS (Music Distribution Services) #AV 402-01. Published by MDS (Music Distribution Services) (M7.AV-402-01).

ISBN 9790203900672.

$6.95 - See more - Buy online
Pre-shipment lead time: 4 to 6 weeks
Ouverturen Album
Ouverturen Album
Piano solo
Piano - Level 3

SKU: DB.MM-00014

Meistermelodien Heft 14. Arranged by Wolfgang Weber. Keyboard music. 14. Doblinger Music Publishers #MM-00014. Published by Doblinger Music Publishers (DB.MM-00014).

ISBN 9790012171560.

Ouverturen von F. v. Suppe: Banditenst…

$16.95 - See more - Buy online
Pre-shipment lead time: 4 to 6 weeks
Suppe F Banditenstreiche Ouvertuere
Suppe F Banditenstreiche Ouvertuere

SKU: HL.49037564

Composed by Franz von Suppe. Edition Schott. Schott Music #MH55026. Published by Schott Music (HL.49037564).

$3.95 - See more - Buy online
Suppe F Banditenstreiche Ouvertuere
Suppe F Banditenstreiche Ouvertuere

SKU: HL.49037560

Composed by Franz von Suppe. Edition Schott. Schott Music #MH55022. Published by Schott Music (HL.49037560).

$3.95 - See more - Buy online
Suppe F Banditenstreiche Ouvertuere
Suppe F Banditenstreiche Ouvertuere

SKU: HL.49037565

Composed by Franz von Suppe. Edition Schott. Schott Music #MH55027. Published by Schott Music (HL.49037565).

$3.95 - See more - Buy online
Suppe F Banditenstreiche Ouvertuere
Suppe F Banditenstreiche Ouvertuere

SKU: HL.49037563

Composed by Franz von Suppe. Edition Schott. Schott Music #MH55025. Published by Schott Music (HL.49037563).

$3.95 - See more - Buy online
Suppe F Banditenstreiche Ouvertuere
Suppe F Banditenstreiche Ouvertuere

SKU: HL.49037562

Composed by Franz von Suppe. Edition Schott. Schott Music #MH55024. Published by Schott Music (HL.49037562).

$3.95 - See more - Buy online
Suppe F Banditenstreiche Ouv
Suppe F Banditenstreiche Ouv
Chamber Orchestra (V OBL)

SKU: HL.49028756

Overture. Composed by Franz von Suppe. Edited by Leopold Weninger. Sheet music. Domesticum. Individual part. 12 pages. Duration 7'. Schott Music #DOM 193-12. Published by Schott Music (HL.49028756).

ISBN 9790001027205.

$6.99 - See more - Buy online
Suppe F Banditenstreiche Ouvertuere
Suppe F Banditenstreiche Ouvertuere

SKU: HL.49037561

Composed by Franz von Suppe. Edition Schott. Schott Music #MH55023. Published by Schott Music (HL.49037561).

$3.95 - See more - Buy online
Suppe F Banditenstreiche Ouv
Suppe F Banditenstreiche Ouv
Chamber Orchestra (V2)

SKU: HL.49028757

Overture. Composed by Franz von Suppe. Edited by Leopold Weninger. Sheet music. Domesticum. Individual part. 12 pages. Duration 7'. Schott Music #DOM 193-13. Published by Schott Music (HL.49028757).

ISBN 9790001027212.

$6.99 - See more - Buy online
Suppe F Banditenstreiche Ouv
Suppe F Banditenstreiche Ouv
Chamber Orchestra (KB)

SKU: HL.49028761

Overture. Composed by Franz von Suppe. Edited by Leopold Weninger. Sheet music. Domesticum. Individual part. 12 pages. Duration 7'. Schott Music #DOM 193-17. Published by Schott Music (HL.49028761).

ISBN 9790001027250.

$6.99 - See more - Buy online
Suppe F Banditenstreiche Ouvertuere
Suppe F Banditenstreiche Ouvertuere

SKU: HL.49037559

Composed by Franz von Suppe. Edition Schott. Schott Music #MH55021. Published by Schott Music (HL.49037559).

$3.95 - See more - Buy online
Jolly Robbers Overture
Jolly Robbers Overture
Piano solo
Piano - intermediate to advanced

SKU: HL.49008963

(Banditenstreiche). Composed by Franz von Suppé. This edition: Saddle stitching. Sheet music. Einzelausgaben (Single Sheets). Classical. 10 pages. Schott Music #ED07418. Published by Schott Music (HL.49008963).…

$7.99 - See more - Buy online
Pre-shipment lead time: 24 hours - In Stock
Suppe F Banditenstreiche Ouvertuere
Suppe F Banditenstreiche Ouvertuere

SKU: HL.49037558

Composed by Franz von Suppe. Edition Schott. Schott Music #MH55020. Published by Schott Music (HL.49037558).

$17.99 - See more - Buy online
Suppe F Banditenstreiche Ouv
Suppe F Banditenstreiche Ouv
Chamber Orchestra (VC)

SKU: HL.49028759

Overture. Composed by Franz von Suppe. Edited by Leopold Weninger. Sheet music. Domesticum. Individual part. 12 pages. Duration 7'. Schott Music #DOM 193-15. Published by Schott Music (HL.49028759).

ISBN 9790001027236.

$6.99 - See more - Buy online
Suppe F Banditenstreiche Ouv
Suppe F Banditenstreiche Ouv
Orchestra (ORCH ERG)

SKU: HL.49028762

Overture. Composed by Franz von Suppe. Edited by Leopold Weninger. Sheet music. Domesticum. Salon orchestra supplement (additional parts for full orchestra). 50 pages. Duration 7'. Schott Music #DOM 193-18. Published by Schott M…
$35.00 - See more - Buy online
Suppe F Banditenstreiche Ouv
Suppe F Banditenstreiche Ouv
Chamber Orchestra (DIR/STCPL)

SKU: HL.49028753

Overture. Composed by Franz von Suppe. Edited by Leopold Weninger. Sheet music. Domesticum. Piano Direction and Parts. 88 pages. Duration 7'. Schott Music #DOM 193. Published by Schott Music (HL.49028753).

ISBN 97900…

$56.00 - See more - Buy online
Suppe F Banditenstreiche Ouv
Suppe F Banditenstreiche Ouv
Chamber Orchestra (VA)

SKU: HL.49028758

Overture. Composed by Franz von Suppe. Edited by Leopold Weninger. Sheet music. Domesticum. Individual part. 12 pages. Duration 7'. Schott Music #DOM 193-14. Published by Schott Music (HL.49028758).

ISBN 9790001027229.

$3.95 - See more - Buy online
Suppe F Banditenstreiche Ouv
Suppe F Banditenstreiche Ouv
Chamber Orchestra (KL/DIR)

SKU: HL.49028754

Overture. Composed by Franz von Suppe. Edited by Leopold Weninger. Sheet music. Domesticum. Piano Direction. 12 pages. Duration 7'. Schott Music #DOM 193-10. Published by Schott Music (HL.49028754).

ISBN 9790001027182.<…

$15.99 - See more - Buy online
Suppe F Banditenstreiche Ouv
Suppe F Banditenstreiche Ouv
Orchestra (VC)

SKU: HL.49028760

Overture. Composed by Franz von Suppe. Edited by Leopold Weninger. Sheet music. Domesticum. Individual part. 12 pages. Duration 7'. Schott Music #DOM 193-16. Published by Schott Music (HL.49028760).

ISBN 9790001027243.

$3.95 - See more - Buy online
Suppe F Banditenstreiche Ouv (ep)
Suppe F Banditenstreiche Ouv (ep)
Chamber Orchestra (V1)

SKU: HL.49028755

Overture. Composed by Franz von Suppe. Edited by Leopold Weninger. Sheet music. Domesticum. Individual part. 12 pages. Duration 7'. Schott Music #DOM 193-11. Published by Schott Music (HL.49028755).

ISBN 9790001027199.

$6.99 - See more - Buy online
Franz von Suppe
Franz von Suppe
(Die schonsten Kompositionen). By Franz von Suppe (1819-1895). Edited by B. Hauer. Accordion. For accordion. Published by Doblinger Music Publishers
$14.95 - See more - Buy online
Pre-shipment lead time: 4 to 6 weeks
Operette. 14 Arien und Lieder f!r elektronische Orgel
Operette. 14 Arien und Lieder f!r elektronische Orgel
Organ [Sheet music]
Nagels Musik-Archiv
Kompositionen von Mill!cker, J. Strau , SuppE und Zeller. Arranged by Sommer, J!Rgen. For Organ-E. Elektronische Orgel. Collection. Published by Edition Nagel (German import).
$20.95 - See more - Buy online
Pre-shipment lead time: 1 to 2 weeks

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Banditenstreiche (VON SUPPE FRANZ)
! Seller in french langage only !
Concert band [Score and Parts]
De Haske Publications
The Jolly Robbers. Par VON SUPPE FRANZ. Né d’un père belge et d’une mère autrichienne, Franz von Suppé (1819-1895) révèle un évident talent de musicien dès son plus jeune âge. Plus tard, il parfait ses connaissances musicales à Vi…

189.81 EUR - from LMI-partitions
Pre-shipment lead time: 3-10 days - In Stock Supplier
+ Details
Banditenstreiche (VON SUPPE FRANZ)
! Seller in french langage only !
Concert band [Score]
De Haske Publications
The Jolly Robbers. Par VON SUPPE FRANZ. Né d’un père belge et d’une mère autrichienne, Franz von Suppé (1819-1895) révèle un évident talent de musicien dès son plus jeune âge. Plus tard, il parfait ses connaissances musicales à Vi…

38.00 EUR - from LMI-partitions
Pre-shipment lead time: 3-10 days - In Stock Supplier
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Franz Von Suppe (SUPPE FRANZ VON)
! Seller in french langage only !
Accordion [Sheet music]
Die Schönsten Kompositionen. Par SUPPE FRANZ VON. Fatinitza-Marsch - Ouvertüre zu 'Dichter und Bauer” - O, du mein Österreich - Hab' ich nur deine Liebe - Coletta-Walzer - Ouvertüre zu 'Banditenstreiche” - Boccaccio-Marsch/ Répert…
14.60 EUR - from LMI-partitions
Pre-shipment lead time: 3-10 days - In Stock Supplier
Banditenstreiche (SUPPE FRANZ VON)
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Banditenstreiche (SUPPE FRANZ VON)
! Seller in french langage only !
Chamber Orchestra [Part]
Par SUPPE FRANZ VON. Overture/ Répertoire / Orchestre de Salon
6.70 EUR - from LMI-partitions
Pre-shipment lead time: 3-10 days - In Stock Supplier
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! Seller in french langage only !
Chamber Orchestra
/ Orchestre De Salon
14.60 EUR - from LMI-partitions
Pre-shipment lead time: 3-10 days - In Stock Supplier
+ Details
Banditenstreiche (SUPPE FRANZ VON)
! Seller in french langage only !
Chamber Orchestra [Part]
Par SUPPE FRANZ VON. Overture/ Répertoire / Orchestre de Salon
6.70 EUR - from LMI-partitions
Pre-shipment lead time: 3-10 days - In Stock Supplier
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! Seller in french langage only !
/ Orchestre
33.90 EUR - from LMI-partitions
Pre-shipment lead time: 3-10 days - In Stock Supplier
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! Seller in french langage only !
Chamber Orchestra
/ Orchestre De Salon
6.70 EUR - from LMI-partitions
Pre-shipment lead time: 3-10 days - In Stock Supplier
+ Details
Banditenstreiche (SUPPE FRANZ VON)
! Seller in french langage only !
Chamber Orchestra [Part]
Par SUPPE FRANZ VON. Overture/ Répertoire / Orchestre de Salon
6.70 EUR - from LMI-partitions
Pre-shipment lead time: 3-10 days - In Stock Supplier
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! Seller in french langage only !
Piano solo
/ Piano
7.90 EUR - from LMI-partitions
Pre-shipment lead time: 3-10 days - In Stock Supplier
Banditenstreiche (SUPPE FRANZ VON)
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Banditenstreiche (SUPPE FRANZ VON)
! Seller in french langage only !
Chamber Orchestra
Par SUPPE FRANZ VON. Overture/ Répertoire / Orchestre de Salon
54.50 EUR - from LMI-partitions
Pre-shipment lead time: 3-10 days - In Stock Supplier
+ Details
Banditenstreiche (SUPPE FRANZ VON)
! Seller in french langage only !
Chamber Orchestra [Part]
Par SUPPE FRANZ VON. Overture/ Répertoire / Orchestre de Salon
6.70 EUR - from LMI-partitions
Pre-shipment lead time: 3-10 days - In Stock Supplier
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! Seller in french langage only !
/ Orchestre
4.90 EUR - from LMI-partitions
Pre-shipment lead time: 3-10 days - In Stock Supplier
+ Details
! Seller in french langage only !
Chamber Orchestra
/ Orchestre De Salon
6.70 EUR - from LMI-partitions
Pre-shipment lead time: 3-10 days - In Stock Supplier
Banditenstreiche (SUPPE FRANZ VON)
+ Details
Banditenstreiche (SUPPE FRANZ VON)
! Seller in french langage only !
Piano solo [Sheet music]
Par SUPPE FRANZ VON. Music for the Resurrection and the Nativity of Our Lord. Two ancient Byzantine melodies in settings for organ. Suitable as service preludes. Appointed in the Orthodox Church for the Feast of the Resurrection o…
49.10 EUR - from LMI-partitions
Pre-shipment lead time: 3-10 days - In Stock Supplier

SHEET MUSIC SHOP GUIDE +1 000 000 indexed sheet music (World Wide Shipping)
Version française




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