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Sheep May Safely Graze
Concert Band/Harmonie - Grade 3

SKU: BT.AMP-145-010

From Cantata No 208 'The Hunt Cantata'. Composed by Johann Sebastian Bach. Arranged by Philip Sparke. Anglo Music Midway Series. Sacred. Set (Score & Parts). Composed 2005. Anglo Music Press #AMP 145-010. Published by Anglo Music Press (BT.AMP-145-010).

9x12 inches. English-German-French-Dutch.

There are just over twenty secular cantatas in Bach's prolific output, which include The Coffee Cantata (No 211), The Wedding Cantata (No 202), Phoebus and Pan (No 201) and the Hunt Cantata (No 208) which contains the famous aria Sheep May Safely Graze. Written for four vocal soloists it was originally scored for a relatively large orchestra (including flutes (recorders), oboes and horns) and mixed choir. Although secular in character, the words describe how well a faithful shepherd keeps watch over his flock and hence has obvious allusions to the teachings of the Christian church. Bring a bit of the Baroque era to your concert with this first class arrangement by Philip Sparke.

Bach schreef zijn Jachtcantate (BWV 208) - met daarin de aria Schafe können sicher weiden (Sheep May Safely Graze) - in 1713, ter gelegenheid van de verjaardag van hertog Christian van Sachsen-Weißenfels. Later volgdenbewerkingen voor vergelijkbare verjaardagsfeesten en naamdagen. De cantate is geschreven voor vier solisten (Diana, Pales, Endymion en Pan), een relatief groot orkest (met (blok)fluiten, hobo’s en hoorns) en koor. Sheep MaySafely Graze wordt gezongen door Pales, de godin van kudden en weiden, begeleid door een paar blokfluiten of dwarsfluiten. Deze bewerking van Philip Sparke betekent een verrijking voor elk repertoire.

Bachs produktives Schaffen brachte nur etwa zwanzig weltliche Kantaten hervor, darunter auch die Jagd-Kantate (BWV 208), welche die berühmte Arie Schafe können sicher weiden enthält. Geschrieben für vier Solisten, ist die Kantate für ein relativ großes Orchester instrumentiert, das neben Flöten, Oboen und Hörnern auch einen gemischten Chor vorsieht. Bringen Sie mit dieser gelungenen Bearbeitung etwas barocke Atmosphäre in Ihr Konzert!

L’immense production de Jean-Sébastien Bach ne contient qu’une vingtaine de cantates profanes dont la Cantate du café (BWV 211), la Cantate du mariage (BWV 202), Phébus et Pan (BWV 201) et la Cantate de la chasse (BWV 208), dont est extrait l’air Sheep May Safely Graze (Schafe können sicher weiden - Que les brebis paissent en paix). Bach était depuis peu au service du duc de Weimar lorsqu’il accepta, en 1713, une invitation Weißenfels pour l’anniversaire du duc Christian de Saxe-Weißenfels. cette occasion, il composa la Cantate de la chasse, une cantate de félicitations l’adresse du duc, passionné de chasse. Par la suite, Bachremania cette cantate pour célébrer d’autres fêtes et anniversaires. La Cantate de la chasse est orchestrée pour quatre voix solistes incarnant des figures mythologiques (Diane, Pales, Endymion et Pan), un ensemble orchestral assez large (incluant des fl tes/fl tes bec, des hautbois et des cors) et un Chœur mixte. Le texte, chantant les vertus de la chasse, est un panégyrique peine déguisé du duc régnant. Accompagnée par deux fl tes (fl tes bec), Palès, déesse des troupeaux et des p tures, entonne l’air Sheep May Safely Graze. Bien que de caractère profane, le texte utilise l’image du berger comme l’image même de la gr ce en référence une parole fondamentale de Jésus.

L’immenso lavoro di Johann Sebastian Bach contiene una ventina di cantate profane tra le quali la Cantata della Caccia (BWV 208) dalla quale è estratta Sheep May Safely Graze (Schafe können sicher weiden). Accompagnata da due flauti dolci, Pales, Dea dei greggi e dei pastori, intona l’aria Sheep May Safely Graze. Pur se di carattere profano, il testo utilizza l’immagine del pastore come l’immagine della grazia riportata ad una parola fondamentale di Gesù.

Arr : Concert band
Publisher : Anglo Music

$130.95 - See more - Buy online
Sheep May Safely Graze

American Company European Companies
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Organ [Sheet music]
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Level: (Moderate).
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Sheet music extract
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12.99 $
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The Bride
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Piano, Vocal and Guitar [Sheet music]
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Piano solo [Sheet music]
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Pre-shipment lead time: 24 hours - In Stock
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Piano solo [Sheet music]
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Level: Easy Piano.

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Music for Two, Volume 1 - Flute/Oboe/Violin and Viola
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Violin, Viola (duet) [Score and Parts]
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Last Resort Music Publishing
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$22.00 - See more - Buy online
Pre-shipment lead time: 24 hours - In Stock
Sheep May Safely Graze
Sheep May Safely Graze
Choral 2-part
SA, Piano [Octavo]
Galaxy Music Corporation
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$2.25 - See more - Buy online
Pre-shipment lead time: 1 to 2 weeks
The Classical Wedding
Sheet music extract
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19.99 $
The Classical Wedding

Piano solo
Hal Leonard
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Pre-shipment lead time: 24 hours - In Stock
E-Z Play Today #400. Classical Masterpieces
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Hal Leonard
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Pre-shipment lead time: 24 hours - In Stock
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1 Piano, 4 hands [Sheet music]
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Pre-shipment lead time: 24 hours - In Stock
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Johann Sebastian Bach: Sheep May Safely Graze
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Alfred Publishing
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Pre-shipment lead time: 24 hours - In Stock

The Very Best Of Bach Instrumental Play-Along
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The Very Best Of Bach Instrumental Play-Along
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Trombone [Sheet music + Audio access]
Hal Leonard
Online audio access included with the book15 selections of some of J.S. Bach's most treasured compositions in accessible arrangements for budding instrumentalists with online demo and backing tracks for download or streaming with the popular Playback features allowing t…
17.40 EUR - from LMI-partitions
Pre-shipment lead time: 3-10 days - In Stock Supplier
The Very Best Of Bach Instrumental Play-Along
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The Very Best Of Bach Instrumental Play-Along
! Seller in french langage only !
Alto Saxophone [Sheet music + Audio access]
Hal Leonard
Online audio access included with the book15 selections of some of J.S. Bach's most treasured compositions in accessible arrangements for budding instrumentalists with online demo and backing tracks for download or streaming with the popular Playback features allowing t…
17.40 EUR - from LMI-partitions
Pre-shipment lead time: 3-10 days - In Stock Supplier
The Very Best Of Bach Instrumental Play-Along
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The Very Best Of Bach Instrumental Play-Along
! Seller in french langage only !
Tenor Saxophone [Sheet music + Audio access]
Hal Leonard
Online audio access included with the book15 selections of some of J.S. Bach's most treasured compositions in accessible arrangements for budding instrumentalists with online demo and backing tracks for download or streaming with the popular Playback features allowing t…
17.40 EUR - from LMI-partitions
Pre-shipment lead time: 3-10 days - In Stock Supplier
The Very Best Of Bach Instrumental Play-Along
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The Very Best Of Bach Instrumental Play-Along
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Cello [Sheet music + Audio access]
Hal Leonard
Online audio access included with the book15 selections of some of J.S. Bach's most treasured compositions in accessible arrangements for budding instrumentalists with online demo and backing tracks for download or streaming with the popular Playback features allowing t…
17.40 EUR - from LMI-partitions
Pre-shipment lead time: 24 hours - In Stock
The Very Best Of Bach Instrumental Play-Along
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The Very Best Of Bach Instrumental Play-Along
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Viola [Sheet music + Audio access]
Hal Leonard
Online audio access included with the book15 selections of some of J.S. Bach's most treasured compositions in accessible arrangements for budding instrumentalists with online demo and backing tracks for download or streaming with the popular Playback features allowing t…
17.40 EUR - from LMI-partitions
Pre-shipment lead time: 3-10 days - In Stock Supplier
The Very Best Of Bach Instrumental Play-Along
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The Very Best Of Bach Instrumental Play-Along
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Violin [Sheet music + Audio access]
Hal Leonard
Online audio access included with the book15 selections of some of J.S. Bach's most treasured compositions in accessible arrangements for budding instrumentalists with online demo and backing tracks for download or streaming with the popular Playback features allowing t…
17.40 EUR - from LMI-partitions
Pre-shipment lead time: 3-10 days - In Stock Supplier
Sunday Morning Organist, Vol.9: Organ And Piano Classical Duos
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Sunday Morning Organist, Vol.9: Organ And Piano Classical Duos
! Seller in french langage only !
Alfred Publishing
Répertoire classique reste l'un des aspects les plus importants de la plupart des services religieux, des monuments et des mariages. Cette édition de l'organiste Sunday Morning caractéristiques uniques sélections classiques pour o…
23.00 EUR - from LMI-partitions
Pre-shipment lead time: 3-10 days - In Stock Supplier
The Very Best Of Bach Instrumental Play-Along
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The Very Best Of Bach Instrumental Play-Along
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Clarinet [Sheet music + Audio access]
Hal Leonard
Online audio access included with the book15 selections of some of J.S. Bach's most treasured compositions in accessible arrangements for budding instrumentalists with online demo and backing tracks for download or streaming with the popular Playback features allowing t…
17.40 EUR - from LMI-partitions
Pre-shipment lead time: 3-10 days - In Stock Supplier
The Very Best Of Bach Instrumental Play-Along
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The Very Best Of Bach Instrumental Play-Along
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French horn [Sheet music + Audio access]
Hal Leonard
Online audio access included with the book15 selections of some of J.S. Bach's most treasured compositions in accessible arrangements for budding instrumentalists with online demo and backing tracks for download or streaming with the popular Playback features allowing t…
17.40 EUR - from LMI-partitions
Pre-shipment lead time: 3-10 days - In Stock Supplier
The Very Best Of Bach Instrumental Play-Along
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The Very Best Of Bach Instrumental Play-Along
! Seller in french langage only !
Trumpet [Sheet music + Audio access]
Hal Leonard
Online audio access included with the book15 selections of some of J.S. Bach's most treasured compositions in accessible arrangements for budding instrumentalists with online demo and backing tracks for download or streaming with the popular Playback features allowing t…
17.40 EUR - from LMI-partitions
Pre-shipment lead time: 3-10 days - In Stock Supplier
The Very Best Of Bach Instrumental Play-Along
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2 sellers
The Very Best Of Bach Instrumental Play-Along
! Seller in french langage only !
Flute [Sheet music + Audio access]
Hal Leonard
Online audio access included with the book15 selections of some of J.S. Bach's most treasured compositions in accessible arrangements for budding instrumentalists with online demo and backing tracks for download or streaming with the popular Playback features allowing t…
17.40 EUR - from LMI-partitions
Pre-shipment lead time: 3-10 days - In Stock Supplier
Easter Piano Solos
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Easter Piano Solos
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Piano solo
Hal Leonard
The most joyous holiday of the year in the Christian faith is celebrated in this collection of 30 triumphant songs for piano solo. Includes: Christ the Lord Is Risen Today - The Church's One Foundation - Crown Him with Many Crowns…
18.71 EUR - from LMI-partitions
Pre-shipment lead time: 3-10 days - In Stock Supplier
Sheep May Safely Graze (BACH JOHANN SEBASTIAN)
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Sheep May Safely Graze (BACH JOHANN SEBASTIAN)
! Seller in french langage only !
Marching band [Score]
Anglo Music
from Cantata No 208 'The Hunt Cantata'. Par BACH JOHANN SEBASTIAN. L’immense production de Jean-Sébastien Bach ne contient qu’une vingtaine de cantates profanes dont la Cantate du café (BWV 211), la Cantate du mariage (BWV 202), P…

19.50 EUR - from LMI-partitions
Pre-shipment lead time: 3-10 days - In Stock Supplier
Sheep May Safely Graze (BACH JOHANN SEBASTIAN)
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Sheep May Safely Graze (BACH JOHANN SEBASTIAN)
! Seller in french langage only !
Concert band [Score and Parts]
Anglo Music
from Cantata No 208 'The Hunt Cantata'. Par BACH JOHANN SEBASTIAN. L’immense production de Jean-Sébastien Bach ne contient qu’une vingtaine de cantates profanes dont la Cantate du café (BWV 211), la Cantate du mariage (BWV 202), P…

141.00 EUR - from LMI-partitions
Pre-shipment lead time: 3-10 days - In Stock Supplier
Sheep May Safely Graze (BACH JOHANN SEBASTIAN)
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Sheep May Safely Graze (BACH JOHANN SEBASTIAN)
! Seller in french langage only !
Concert band [Score]
Anglo Music
from Cantata No 208 'The Hunt Cantata'. Par BACH JOHANN SEBASTIAN. L’immense production de Jean-Sébastien Bach ne contient qu’une vingtaine de cantates profanes dont la Cantate du café (BWV 211), la Cantate du mariage (BWV 202), P…

19.50 EUR - from LMI-partitions
Pre-shipment lead time: 3-10 days - In Stock Supplier
Sheep May Safely Graze (BACH JOHANN SEBASTIAN)
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Sheep May Safely Graze (BACH JOHANN SEBASTIAN)
! Seller in french langage only !
Marching band [Score and Parts]
Anglo Music
from Cantata No 208 'The Hunt Cantata'. Par BACH JOHANN SEBASTIAN. L’immense production de Jean-Sébastien Bach ne contient qu’une vingtaine de cantates profanes dont la Cantate du café (BWV 211), la Cantate du mariage (BWV 202), P…

141.00 EUR - from LMI-partitions
Pre-shipment lead time: 3-10 days - In Stock Supplier
The Best Of Bach
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The Best Of Bach
! Seller in french langage only !
Piano solo
Hal Leonard
20 Baroque favorites from J.S. Bach in our patented easy-to-read and play notation. Includes: Arioso - Ave Maria - Bist Du Bei Mir - Fugue in G Minor - Gavotte - Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring - Minuet in G - Passion Chorale - Sheep …
12.00 EUR - from LMI-partitions
Pre-shipment lead time: 24 hours - In Stock
Wedding Classics For Organ
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Wedding Classics For Organ
! Seller in french langage only !
Organ [Sheet music]
Hal Leonard
Un grand songbook avec 30 Classics de mariage, un indispensable pour tout organiste.Les chansons incluent: Air - Ave Maria - Bridal Chorus - Canon in D - I Love You Truly - Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring - Ode to Joy - Panis Angelicu…
21.70 EUR - from LMI-partitions
Pre-shipment lead time: 3-10 days - In Stock Supplier
First 50 Classical Pieces
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First 50 Classical Pieces
! Seller in french langage only !
Cello [Sheet music]
Hal Leonard
You Should Play On The Cello. Par . 50 simply arranged, must-know works by Bach, Brahms, Handel, Tchaikovsky, and more for cello! The book includes piano accompaniment and a separate pull-out part for cello. Selections include: Th…
22.80 EUR - from LMI-partitions
Pre-shipment lead time: 24 hours - In Stock
Joy Of Classical Music Bumper Edition Po
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Joy Of Classical Music Bumper Edition Po
! Seller in french langage only !
Piano solo [Sheet music]
Amsco Wise Publications
Une superbe compilation de 57 morceaux populaires classiques arrangés pour piano solo. Inclus 'Greensleeves', 'Sheep May Safely Graze', 'Fur Elise' le 'Nimrod' d'Elgar. / Piano / 132 pages / Partition

26.10 EUR - from LMI-partitions
Pre-shipment lead time: 3-10 days - In Stock Supplier
Classical Themes For Two Trumpets
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Classical Themes For Two Trumpets
! Seller in french langage only !
2 Trumpets (duet) [Sheet music]
Hal Leonard
Easy Instrumental Duets. 24 favorite melodies from top classical composers in easy duet arrangements for two instrumentalists are featured in this collection, including: Air on the G String - Blue Danube Waltz - Canon in D - Eine …
15.20 EUR - from LMI-partitions
Pre-shipment lead time: 3-10 days - In Stock Supplier
Meets Jazz The Phillip Keveren Series
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Meets Jazz The Phillip Keveren Series
! Seller in french langage only !
Piano solo [Sheet music]
Hal Leonard
Have some fun jazzing up some Bach on your keyboard! As only he can, Phillip Keveren presents 15 unique interpretations of Bach masterpieces in this collection. Titles include: Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring, BWV 147 - Menuet in G Ma…
21.70 EUR - from LMI-partitions
Pre-shipment lead time: 3-10 days - In Stock Supplier
Sheep May Safely Graze (BACH JOHANN SEBASTIAN)
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Sheep May Safely Graze (BACH JOHANN SEBASTIAN)
! Seller in french langage only !
Brass ensemble [Score and Parts]
Anglo Music
from Cantata No 208 'The Hunt Cantata'. Par BACH JOHANN SEBASTIAN. La cantate de la chasse (no 208) est une des vingt cantates profanes de Bach. Orchestrée pour quatre voix solistes incarnant des figures mythologiques (Diane, Pale…

84.60 EUR - from LMI-partitions
Pre-shipment lead time: 3-10 days - In Stock Supplier
Sheep May Safely Graze (BACH JOHANN SEBASTIAN)
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Sheep May Safely Graze (BACH JOHANN SEBASTIAN)
! Seller in french langage only !
Brass ensemble [Score]
Anglo Music
from Cantata No 208 'The Hunt Cantata'. Par BACH JOHANN SEBASTIAN. La cantate de la chasse (no 208) est une des vingt cantates profanes de Bach. Orchestrée pour quatre voix solistes incarnant des figures mythologiques (Diane, Pale…

19.50 EUR - from LMI-partitions
Pre-shipment lead time: 3-10 days - In Stock Supplier
Classical Themes For Two Alto Saxophones
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Classical Themes For Two Alto Saxophones
! Seller in french langage only !
2 Saxophones (duet) [Sheet music]
Hal Leonard
Easy Instrumental Duets. 24 favorite melodies from top classical composers in easy duet arrangements for two instrumentalists are featured in this collection, including: Air on the G String - Blue Danube Waltz - Canon in D - Eine …
13.10 EUR - from LMI-partitions
Pre-shipment lead time: 3-10 days - In Stock Supplier
J.S. Bach For Fingerstyle Ukulele
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J.S. Bach For Fingerstyle Ukulele
! Seller in french langage only !
Hal Leonard
The J.S. Bach For Fingerstyle Ukulele songbook features 15 solo Ukulele arrangements, in standard notes and tab, of J.S. Bach works, including Arioso, Bourree, Little Prelude #2 in C Major, Minuet in G, Prelude (Cello Suite #1), S…

20.60 EUR - from LMI-partitions
Pre-shipment lead time: 3-10 days - In Stock Supplier

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