Concert Band/Harmonie (Score & Parts) - Grade 5
SKU: HL.44012270
Composed by Philip Sparke. Anglo Music Concert Band. Concert Piece. Set (Score & Parts). Composed 2013. Anglo Music Press #AMP358010. Published by Anglo Music Press (HL.44012270).
UPC: 888680057657. English-German-French-Dutch.
Looking Up, Moving On was commissioned by the Tokyo Kosei Wind Orchestra and featured in their concert programme in their May 2012 tour, which took in many areas destroyed by the earthquake and tsunami in 2011. The timeless message of thismoving work is the belief in the tremendous capacity of humankind to recover from such disasters and look optimistically to the future.
Looking Up, Moving On was commissioned by the Tokyo Kosei Wind Orchestra and featured in their concert programme in their May 2012 tour, which took in many areas destroyed by the earthquake and tsunami in 2011.
The timeless message of this moving work is the belief in the tremendous capacity of humankind to recover from such disasters and look optimistically to the future.
Looking Up, Moving On is gecomponeerd in opdracht van het Tokyo Kosei Wind Orchestra. Het werk maakte deel uit van een programma uit mei 2012, dat werd uitgevoerd tijdens een tournee waarbij veel regios werden bezocht die waren verwoest doorde aardbeving en tsunami van 2011. Het tijdloze thema van dit treffende werk is het buitengewone vermogen van de mens om dergelijke rampen te boven te komen en de toekomst met optimisme tegemoet te zien.
Looking Up, Moving Down wurde vom Tokyo Kosei Wind Orchestra in Auftrag gegeben und war Teil des Konzertprogramms einer Tour im Mai 2012, die auch viele Gebiete einschloss, die vom Erdbeben und Tsunami im Jahr 2011 zerstort worden waren. Diezeitlose Botschaft dieses bewegenden Werkes ist der Glaube an die gewaltige Fahigkeit des Menschen, uber solche Katastrophen hinwegzukommen und optimistisch in die Zukunft zu blicken.
Looking Up, Moving On est une commande du Tokyo Kosei Wind Orchestra. Cette piece faisait partie du programme de la tournee effectuee par l'orchestre en mai 2012, qui s'est produit dans de nombreuses regions devastees par le tremblement deterre et le tsunami de 2011. La composition a pour theme l'immense capacite humaine a surmonter de telles catastrophes et envisager l'avenir de facon positive.
Looking Up, Moving On e stata commissionata dalla Tokyo Kosei Wind Orchestra e faceva parte del programma del concerto di un tour del maggio 2012 che comprendeva diverse zone colpite nel 2011 dal terremoto e dallo tsunami. Il messaggio sempreattuale di questa toccante opera e il credere nella grandiosa capacita dell'uomo di superare tali catastrofi e di guardare al futuro con ottimismo.
Arr : Concert bandPublisher : Anglo Music$145.00 - See more - Buy online