| Zplane : Peel Stems
- Zplane Peel Stem (ESD); stem separation plugin; real-time audio stem separation; separates mixed audio material into four stems: Drums, Bass, Vocals and Other; allows isolating and visualizing ≈ $58.68 56.00€ - Sold by ThomannIn Stock (24 hours) ZoomSimilar Items |
| Zplane : Vielklang 2
- Versatile harmony processor - For generating harmonies with 2-4 voices from an audio or MIDI melody - Pitch editing with direct access - Vibrato and tremolo generator - MID ≈ $122.59 117.00€ - Sold by ThomannIn Stock (24 hours) ZoomSimilar Items |
| Zplane : ppmBatch
- For analysing and normalising audio files according to various broadcast loudness standards - With presets of the most common broadcast standards - For post-production, archive conve ≈ $309.1 295.00€ - Sold by ThomannIn Stock (24 hours) ZoomSimilar Items |
| Zplane : deCoda
- For decoding songs - For automatic recognition of song structure, key, tempo, chords, verses and choruses - Flexible loop options - Key transposition - Tempo transposition ≈ $50.29 48.00€ - Sold by ThomannIn Stock (24 hours) ZoomSimilar Items |
| Zplane : Peel
- Allows isolation and visualisation of individual instruments or vocals in stereo recordings - Solo or mute the selected audio material - Routes to the DAW for external processing ≈ $39.82 38.00€ - Sold by ThomannIn Stock (24 hours) ZoomSimilar Items |
| Zplane : PPMulator XL
- Plug-in meter for DAWs - Features EBU R128 compliant loudness metering - Offline measurement for audio files in standalone mode - Customizable layouts and channel labelling ≈ $122.59 117.00€ - Sold by ThomannIn Stock (24 hours) ZoomSimilar Items |
| Zplane : Elastique Pitch
- For pitch-shifting all audio material such as speech, music, vocals, etc. - Supports up to 8-channel multichannel audio tracks - With feedback and delay controls - Integration o ≈ $154.03 147.00€ - Sold by ThomannIn Stock (24 hours) ZoomSimilar Items |
| Zplane : élastiqueAAX
- Time and pitch manipulation tool - Integration of the élastiquePRO V3 pitchshifting engine - offers multi-channel processing (up to eight audio channels) for synchronous pitchshiftin ≈ $309.1 295.00€ - Sold by ThomannIn Stock (24 hours) ZoomSimilar Items |
| Zplane : reTune
- Pitch modification and trimming in real time - Configurable input-to-output pitch mapping - Presets for major/minor scales, church modes, gypsy and chromatic scales - With contr ≈ $154.03 147.00€ - Sold by ThomannIn Stock (24 hours) ZoomSimilar Items |