- Genres:
- Christian
SKU: GI.G-CD-999
A Tribute to the Life and Published Choral Works of Dr. Nathan Carter (1936–2004). African American Church Music Series. Sacred. CD. GIA Publications #999. Published by GIA Publications (GI.G-CD-999).This commemorative collection of the GIA published choral works of Dr. Nathan Mitchell Carter, Jr. (1936-2004) - celebrated conductor, composer, and arranger - includes 14 of his most inspiring anthems, spirituals, and hymn arrangements. Widely recognized for establishing the internationally renowned and award winning Morgan State University Choir, Dr. Carter's drive and enthusiasm for his work led him and his choir to perform in venues the world over. In honor of his 80th birthday, GIA is proud to share this recording and collection, which beautifully captures the true passion and mission of this great contributor to the world of music. These selections were taken from previous recordings by Morgan State University alumni, recent recordings of Psalm 131 and If I Can Help Somebody by the Aeolians of Oakwood University conducted by Dr. Jason Max Ferdinand, a Morgan alum and former student of Dr. Carter's, and Walk through the Valley by the Cathedral Singers of Chicago, Illinois.
CONTENTS: Great Is Thy Faithfulness (G-5590) &bull, Psalm 1 (G-6024) &bull, Psalm 131 (G-6683) &bull, Psalm 150 (G-5591) &bull, O for a Faith (G-5924) &bull, If I Can Help Somebody (G-8976) &bull, I Know I Got Religion (G-6248) &bull, Try Jesus (He Satisfies) (G-6431) &bull, Something Within (G-6411) &bull, Precious Lord (G-7155) &bull, It Is Well with My Soul (G-5868) &bull, Walk through the Valley (G-7389) G-8976 &bull, Some Day (G-6023) &bull, It Pays to Serve Jesus (G-5875).
SKU: GI.G-CD-999
A Tribute to the Life and Published Choral Works of Dr. Nathan Carter (1936–2004). African American Church Music Series. Sacred. CD. GIA Publications #999. Published by GIA Publications (GI.G-CD-999).This commemorative collection of the GIA published choral works of Dr. Nathan Mitchell Carter, Jr. (1936-2004) - celebrated conductor, composer, and arranger - includes 14 of his most inspiring anthems, spirituals, and hymn arrangements. Widely recognized for establishing the internationally renowned and award winning Morgan State University Choir, Dr. Carter's drive and enthusiasm for his work led him and his choir to perform in venues the world over. In honor of his 80th birthday, GIA is proud to share this recording and collection, which beautifully captures the true passion and mission of this great contributor to the world of music. These selections were taken from previous recordings by Morgan State University alumni, recent recordings of Psalm 131 and If I Can Help Somebody by the Aeolians of Oakwood University conducted by Dr. Jason Max Ferdinand, a Morgan alum and former student of Dr. Carter's, and Walk through the Valley by the Cathedral Singers of Chicago, Illinois.
CONTENTS: Great Is Thy Faithfulness (G-5590) &bull, Psalm 1 (G-6024) &bull, Psalm 131 (G-6683) &bull, Psalm 150 (G-5591) &bull, O for a Faith (G-5924) &bull, If I Can Help Somebody (G-8976) &bull, I Know I Got Religion (G-6248) &bull, Try Jesus (He Satisfies) (G-6431) &bull, Something Within (G-6411) &bull, Precious Lord (G-7155) &bull, It Is Well with My Soul (G-5868) &bull, Walk through the Valley (G-7389) G-8976 &bull, Some Day (G-6023) &bull, It Pays to Serve Jesus (G-5875).
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