Composed by Penelope Roskell. Piano Method. Edition Peters. Piano method. Edition Peters #98-EP73024. Published by Edition Peters (PE.EP73024).
ISBN 9790577015316. 232 x 303mm inches. English.
The Complete Pianist: from healthy technique to natural artistry offers a new and unique approach to piano playing, in which Penelope Roskell shares a lifetime's experience of teaching, performing and groundbreaking research into healthy piano playing. Containing more than 500 pages of text, 300 videos and 250 exercises newly devised by the author, this is the most comprehensive book ever written on piano playing. The book has something new to offer to all pianists and keyboard players - student and teacher, professional and amateur.
Roskell guides pianists through the early stages of learning a piece, through all the technical challenges and interpretative choices, towards inspired performance. Each new aspect of playing is addressed through a series of practical exercises which proceed, step-by-step, from thebasics towards more advanced applications. Roskell demonstrates all the musical and technical points herself in videos accessible by smartphone, tablet or computer.
Penelope Roskell is Professor of Piano and Piano Pedagogy at Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music and Dance, London and at the Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama. As a soloist she has played in major concert halls in more than thirty countries. She is the leading UK specialist in healthy piano playing, and Piano Advisor to the British Association for Performing Arts Medicine, where she holds a clinic for pianists with tension or injuries.
I have known and admired Penelope Roskell for over forty years as both performer and teacher [...] I wholeheartedly recommend The Complete Pianist as valuable reading for any person interested in the art of piano playing. Sulamita Aronovsky - Professor of Piano, Royal Academy of Music; Chairman, London International Piano Competition
Composed by Penelope Roskell. Piano Method. Edition Peters. Piano method. Edition Peters #98-EP73024. Published by Edition Peters (PE.EP73024).
ISBN 9790577015316. 232 x 303mm inches. English.
The Complete Pianist: from healthy technique to natural artistry offers a new and unique approach to piano playing, in which Penelope Roskell shares a lifetime's experience of teaching, performing and groundbreaking research into healthy piano playing. Containing more than 500 pages of text, 300 videos and 250 exercises newly devised by the author, this is the most comprehensive book ever written on piano playing. The book has something new to offer to all pianists and keyboard players - student and teacher, professional and amateur.
Roskell guides pianists through the early stages of learning a piece, through all the technical challenges and interpretative choices, towards inspired performance. Each new aspect of playing is addressed through a series of practical exercises which proceed, step-by-step, from thebasics towards more advanced applications. Roskell demonstrates all the musical and technical points herself in videos accessible by smartphone, tablet or computer.
Penelope Roskell is Professor of Piano and Piano Pedagogy at Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music and Dance, London and at the Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama. As a soloist she has played in major concert halls in more than thirty countries. She is the leading UK specialist in healthy piano playing, and Piano Advisor to the British Association for Performing Arts Medicine, where she holds a clinic for pianists with tension or injuries.
I have known and admired Penelope Roskell for over forty years as both performer and teacher [...] I wholeheartedly recommend The Complete Pianist as valuable reading for any person interested in the art of piano playing. Sulamita Aronovsky - Professor of Piano, Royal Academy of Music; Chairman, London International Piano Competition
Preview: The Complete Pianist -- From Healthy Technique to Natural Artistry
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