- Instrument:
- Voice
- Genres:
- 20th Century
- Composers:
- Kurt Weill
- Artist:
- Kurt Weill
- Series:
- Robert King Music
- Format:
- Collection / Songbook
- Item types:
- Physical
- Usages:
- School and Community
SKU: HL.48187458
Composed by Kurt Weill. Leduc. Classical. Softcover. 28 pages. Heugel & Cie #HE30911. Published by Heugel & Cie (HL.48187458).UPC: 888680844134. 9x12 inches.
“German composer, Kurt Weill (1900-1950) is best remembered as a leading composer for the stage. His collaboration with playwright Jacques Deval to create the dramatised production of Marie Galante was well received. Marie Galante was originally a novel by Deval. Weill composed music for the play in 1934, and later for the screen version. This collection of the favourite pieces from the stage show include The Ladies from Bordeaux and Dancing Scene. For all opera or musical theatre vocalists, the songs from Marie Galante are varied and make for an exciting addition to the repertoire.&rdquo.
SKU: HL.48187458
Composed by Kurt Weill. Leduc. Classical. Softcover. 28 pages. Heugel & Cie #HE30911. Published by Heugel & Cie (HL.48187458).UPC: 888680844134. 9x12 inches.
“German composer, Kurt Weill (1900-1950) is best remembered as a leading composer for the stage. His collaboration with playwright Jacques Deval to create the dramatised production of Marie Galante was well received. Marie Galante was originally a novel by Deval. Weill composed music for the play in 1934, and later for the screen version. This collection of the favourite pieces from the stage show include The Ladies from Bordeaux and Dancing Scene. For all opera or musical theatre vocalists, the songs from Marie Galante are varied and make for an exciting addition to the repertoire.&rdquo.
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