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Boosters to the Rescue! Handbook for Educators

Boosters to the Rescue! Handbook for Educators A Practical Handbook to Start from Scratch or Take Things to the Next Level of Success! Collection / Songbook - Sheet Music

Boosters to the Rescue! Handbook for Educators Collection / Songbook - Sheet Music
Boosters to the Rescue! Handbook for Educators Collection / Songbook - Sheet Music

SKU: GI.G-9225

A Practical Handbook to Start from Scratch or Take Things to the Next Level of Success!. Composed by David W. Vandewalker. Music Education. Book. 132 pages. GIA Publications #9225. Published by GIA Publications (GI.G-9225).

ISBN 9781622772094.

Veteran band director David Vandewalker has been successfully empowering school parent organizations across the country for years. In Boosters to the Rescue! he offers practical tools to modernize your program into a 21st-century booster organization that can function as a successful small business and significantly support the school music and arts programs. In clear, concise language, Vandewalker lays out an action plan that includes how to: • Learn to be articulate in sharing your vision • Enlist an army of volunteers • Develop project plans • Define a composite list of duties, tasks, and responsibilities • Communicate • Determine personal strengths and personality traits • Create a business plan model • Make project notebooks • Provide support, encouragement, and praise   Boosters to the Rescue! goes beyond ideas and plans with online links to ready-to-use Word, Excel, and PDF files that are easy to customize and print. These reproducible tools will save you time, and enable and empower you to build an amazing team of people dedicated to musical excellence!

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