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SKU: GI.G-10349
Teaching Music Through Performance. Music Education. 1100 pages. GIA Publications #10349. Published by GIA Publications (GI.G-10349).ISBN 9781622775354.
By Larry Blocher, Eugene Migliaro Corporon, Ray Cramer, Tim Lautzenheiser, Edward S. Lisk, Richard Miles, and Andrew Trachsel. Compiled and edited by Andrew Trachsel. Volume 12 of the landmark Teaching Music through Performance in Band series continues the tradition of excellence—a resource that has become essential for every wind band conductor looking for the best repertoire or to gain insights from leaders of the profession. Like its predecessors, this mammoth volume includes Teacher Resource Guides for 100 significant works published for Grades 2 through 6, including works by Frank Ticheli, John Mackey, Julie Giroux, Ola Gjeilo, Michael Daugherty, Zhou Tian, and many more. Each Teacher Resource Guide includes information about the composer, the work, historical perspectives, technical considerations, stylistic considerations, the musical elements of the work, a form and structure analysis, suggested listening, and additional references—information designed to enhance the musicianship of any performance. Indexes to all 1,200 works covered in this series round out this important volume. And in addition, Part I includes an amazing array of topics: “It’s What We Do ‘In Between’ that Matters” by Larry Blocher, “Contemplations” by Eugene Migliaro Corporon, “Building a Legacy in the Pursuit of Excellence” by Ray Cramer, “Building a Culture of Excellence with Student Leadership” by Tim Lautzenheiser, “Do You Hear What I Hear?” by Edward S. Lisk, “The Influence of Master Teachers” by Richard Miles, and “The Servant Conductor” by Andrew Trachsel. Carrying on the tradition of this wonderful series—and the first volume compiled and edited by Andrew Trachsel—Volume 12 prevails as the indispensable resource for the wind band profession. Click here to view the Table of Contents. For searchable indices, visit
SKU: GI.G-10349
Teaching Music Through Performance. Music Education. 1100 pages. GIA Publications #10349. Published by GIA Publications (GI.G-10349).ISBN 9781622775354.
By Larry Blocher, Eugene Migliaro Corporon, Ray Cramer, Tim Lautzenheiser, Edward S. Lisk, Richard Miles, and Andrew Trachsel. Compiled and edited by Andrew Trachsel. Volume 12 of the landmark Teaching Music through Performance in Band series continues the tradition of excellence—a resource that has become essential for every wind band conductor looking for the best repertoire or to gain insights from leaders of the profession. Like its predecessors, this mammoth volume includes Teacher Resource Guides for 100 significant works published for Grades 2 through 6, including works by Frank Ticheli, John Mackey, Julie Giroux, Ola Gjeilo, Michael Daugherty, Zhou Tian, and many more. Each Teacher Resource Guide includes information about the composer, the work, historical perspectives, technical considerations, stylistic considerations, the musical elements of the work, a form and structure analysis, suggested listening, and additional references—information designed to enhance the musicianship of any performance. Indexes to all 1,200 works covered in this series round out this important volume. And in addition, Part I includes an amazing array of topics: “It’s What We Do ‘In Between’ that Matters” by Larry Blocher, “Contemplations” by Eugene Migliaro Corporon, “Building a Legacy in the Pursuit of Excellence” by Ray Cramer, “Building a Culture of Excellence with Student Leadership” by Tim Lautzenheiser, “Do You Hear What I Hear?” by Edward S. Lisk, “The Influence of Master Teachers” by Richard Miles, and “The Servant Conductor” by Andrew Trachsel. Carrying on the tradition of this wonderful series—and the first volume compiled and edited by Andrew Trachsel—Volume 12 prevails as the indispensable resource for the wind band profession. Click here to view the Table of Contents. For searchable indices, visit
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