- Instrument:
- Acoustic Guitar
- Genres:
- Folk
- Format:
- CD Book and CD
- Item types:
- Physical
- Level:
- Beginning Intermediate
- Usages:
- School and Community
SKU: MB.3802405693
Pour debutants et avances. Composed by Helmut Zehe. French Language, CLEARANCE: OTHER, Technique, Theory and Reference, Folk, Perfect binding. Voggenreiter. All styles. Book/CD set. 188 pages. Voggenreiter #3802405693. Published by Voggenreiter (MB.3802405693).ISBN 9783802405693. 8.25 x 11.75 inches.
Une nouvelle fa?on dapprendre la guitare pour les cours et les ?tudes personnelles. Cette m?thode garde lesprit de l?tudiant ouvert ? tous les styles de musique et ne les limite pas ? une seule direction musicale. Fournit ? l??l?ve une musique qu?ils connaissent bien, c?est-?-dire de la musique pop. Lentement et doucement, initie l?l?ve ? la musique classique et propose un choix soigneusement s?lectionn? dexemples de chansons dans ce domaine. Pr?sente la notation du personnel et la th?orie musicale de mani?re simplifi?e et facile ? comprendre. Comprend un CD qui non seulement soutient la pratique de l??l?ve, mais est aussi amusant ? ?couter. Le d?butant apprend une technique de jeu utile pour tous les styles de musique du futur. ?dition fran?aise.A New Way to learn the guitar for lessons and self-studies. This method keeps the students mind open for all musical styles and doesnt limit them to only one musical direction. Provides the student with music they are familiar with i.e. pop music. Slowly and gently introduces the student to classical music and offers a carefully selected choice of song examples in this field. Introduces staff notation and music theory in a simplified way that is easy to understand. Includes a CD which does not only support the students practice but is fun to listen to as well. The beginner is taught a playing technique which is useful for any musical style in the future. French edition.
SKU: MB.3802405693
Pour debutants et avances. Composed by Helmut Zehe. French Language, CLEARANCE: OTHER, Technique, Theory and Reference, Folk, Perfect binding. Voggenreiter. All styles. Book/CD set. 188 pages. Voggenreiter #3802405693. Published by Voggenreiter (MB.3802405693).ISBN 9783802405693. 8.25 x 11.75 inches.
Une nouvelle fa?on dapprendre la guitare pour les cours et les ?tudes personnelles. Cette m?thode garde lesprit de l?tudiant ouvert ? tous les styles de musique et ne les limite pas ? une seule direction musicale. Fournit ? l??l?ve une musique qu?ils connaissent bien, c?est-?-dire de la musique pop. Lentement et doucement, initie l?l?ve ? la musique classique et propose un choix soigneusement s?lectionn? dexemples de chansons dans ce domaine. Pr?sente la notation du personnel et la th?orie musicale de mani?re simplifi?e et facile ? comprendre. Comprend un CD qui non seulement soutient la pratique de l??l?ve, mais est aussi amusant ? ?couter. Le d?butant apprend une technique de jeu utile pour tous les styles de musique du futur. ?dition fran?aise.A New Way to learn the guitar for lessons and self-studies. This method keeps the students mind open for all musical styles and doesnt limit them to only one musical direction. Provides the student with music they are familiar with i.e. pop music. Slowly and gently introduces the student to classical music and offers a carefully selected choice of song examples in this field. Introduces staff notation and music theory in a simplified way that is easy to understand. Includes a CD which does not only support the students practice but is fun to listen to as well. The beginner is taught a playing technique which is useful for any musical style in the future. French edition.
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