- Instrument:
- Harpsichord Piano Solo
- Genres:
- Contemporary
- Series:
- Women Composers and Arrangers
- Format:
- Score
- Item types:
- Physical
- Usages:
- School and Community
SKU: FV.FUE-4660
Composed by 27 Women Composers (mixed collection). Piano (Harpsichord), 2-hands. Instrumental Music. Full score. Duration 180'. Furore Verlag #FUE 4660. Published by Furore Verlag (FV.FUE-4660).ISBN 979-0-50012-966-0.
Best edition 2005 (German Music Publishing Price). Extensive edition with with short biographies and notes on the works (German/English). From A for Alexandra to Z for Zeiner: 27 contemporary female composers from Germany, England, France, Rumania, Poland and other European countries, the USA and Argentinia have donated a piano piece on the occasion of the 25th annversary in 2004 of the International Working Group Women in Music. The pieces were performed at the anniversary celebration in Frankfurt and have now been collected in this unique anniversary edition. They are as varied as the personalities of the composers themselves, ranging from witty and playful to strictly disciplined, virtuoso to poetic, meditative, melodious and harmonious to shrilly aggressive.
Liana Alexandra, Rumanien: Cadenza, Maria de Alvear, Spanien: Soles interiores, Caroline Ansink, Niederlande: Los, Matilde Capuis, Italien: Corale, Carmen Maria Carneci, Rumanien: conSolar, Diana Cemeryte, Litauen: Still, Gloria Coates, USA: The Books, Andrea Csollany, Deutschland: Short Story, Violeta Dinescu, Deutschland: Telomer, Susanne Erding Swiridoff, Deutschland: Pagode, Siegrid Ernst, Deutschland: Klangschatten, Tsippi Fleischer, Israel: In chromatic mood, Ursula Gorsch, Deutschland/Ghana: Piano latinero: Habanera, Carioca und Zortziko, Barbara Heller, Deutschland: Nacht-Tagebuch, Silvia Leonor Alvarez de la Fuente, Argentinien: Variaciones para piano, Ursula Mamlok, Deutschland/ USA: Inward Journey/In high spirits, Bernadetta Matuszczak, Polen: Kontraste per pianoforte, Ruth McGuire, USA: 5 lyrische Miniaturen, Florentine Mulsant, Frankreich: Sonate pour piano, Vivienne Olive, England: Prometheus meets Purcell, Sibylle Pomorin, Deutschland: Zahlenspiele, Ruth Schonthal, Deutschland/USA: Toccata & Arietta, Eva Schorr, Deutschland: Tango 25, Margarete Sorg-Rose, Deutschland: Corrente, Joanna Stepalska-Spix, Polen: Non Perpetuum Mobile, Ludmila Yurina, Ukraine: Angel of white Day, Marliese Zeiner, Tschechien/Deutschland: Capriccietti.
SKU: FV.FUE-4660
Composed by 27 Women Composers (mixed collection). Piano (Harpsichord), 2-hands. Instrumental Music. Full score. Duration 180'. Furore Verlag #FUE 4660. Published by Furore Verlag (FV.FUE-4660).ISBN 979-0-50012-966-0.
Best edition 2005 (German Music Publishing Price). Extensive edition with with short biographies and notes on the works (German/English). From A for Alexandra to Z for Zeiner: 27 contemporary female composers from Germany, England, France, Rumania, Poland and other European countries, the USA and Argentinia have donated a piano piece on the occasion of the 25th annversary in 2004 of the International Working Group Women in Music. The pieces were performed at the anniversary celebration in Frankfurt and have now been collected in this unique anniversary edition. They are as varied as the personalities of the composers themselves, ranging from witty and playful to strictly disciplined, virtuoso to poetic, meditative, melodious and harmonious to shrilly aggressive.
Liana Alexandra, Rumanien: Cadenza, Maria de Alvear, Spanien: Soles interiores, Caroline Ansink, Niederlande: Los, Matilde Capuis, Italien: Corale, Carmen Maria Carneci, Rumanien: conSolar, Diana Cemeryte, Litauen: Still, Gloria Coates, USA: The Books, Andrea Csollany, Deutschland: Short Story, Violeta Dinescu, Deutschland: Telomer, Susanne Erding Swiridoff, Deutschland: Pagode, Siegrid Ernst, Deutschland: Klangschatten, Tsippi Fleischer, Israel: In chromatic mood, Ursula Gorsch, Deutschland/Ghana: Piano latinero: Habanera, Carioca und Zortziko, Barbara Heller, Deutschland: Nacht-Tagebuch, Silvia Leonor Alvarez de la Fuente, Argentinien: Variaciones para piano, Ursula Mamlok, Deutschland/ USA: Inward Journey/In high spirits, Bernadetta Matuszczak, Polen: Kontraste per pianoforte, Ruth McGuire, USA: 5 lyrische Miniaturen, Florentine Mulsant, Frankreich: Sonate pour piano, Vivienne Olive, England: Prometheus meets Purcell, Sibylle Pomorin, Deutschland: Zahlenspiele, Ruth Schonthal, Deutschland/USA: Toccata & Arietta, Eva Schorr, Deutschland: Tango 25, Margarete Sorg-Rose, Deutschland: Corrente, Joanna Stepalska-Spix, Polen: Non Perpetuum Mobile, Ludmila Yurina, Ukraine: Angel of white Day, Marliese Zeiner, Tschechien/Deutschland: Capriccietti.
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